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Post # 1
Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this. I am new to magick. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the spells on the tv show Merlin actually work or not. I know that most of the things on tv that have to do with magick aren't real. But, i figured I would ask.Thanks in advance.
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Re: question
Post # 2

Nope. Nothing you see on television is real, because they are made for entertainment only. They are just appealing for the eye. Magick, is in fact, very real. It's just real in a different light than what television.

Also stay away from any fantasy subjects. Such as physical alteration (including changing any part of your DNA), controlling elements spells, controlling weather, ect. All that is considered "fluff" here, which is basically a nicer word for fake.

Stay away from that stuff and you'll be a-okay.

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Re: question
Post # 3
Thank you. Why are spells allowed here that are fluff? Wouldn't it be easier for newbies if this site only had real spells on it?
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Re: question
Post # 4
No I don't believe the spells on merlin are real or based in anything real, im not even sure what language they are. However not all magic in tv shows is entertainment some shows such as charmed, buffy, true blood etc are based on or follow some ritual basics how ever are not really cast as the actors arent witches. I wouldn't recommend trying to replicate them as they aren't 100% accurate and could be dangerous.
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