3 things for new members

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3 things for new members
Post # 1
I have been on this site awhile and am using another profile, and I am not a moderator or anyone important here, however, I thought I would make some of their jobs easier by giving 3 bits of info to any newer members on the site. 1. Werewolves and Vampires are not accepted or considered as existing, and no, you cannot become one. If any of you look at fantasy spells, keep in mind, they are there because they are fluffed spells that aren't real or aren't possible to preform. 2. It is ok to express your beliefs here, however, you must keep in mind there are other people of other faiths. If you make trouble with another person for a religious reason, you alone will be held responsible and gagged unless the other person breaks a rule as well. 3. Be respectful, even if you do not like someone, keep in mind, other people are here to study and talk about real magic, the last thing people want to see are two people being melodramatic over something. Best course of action you can take is to just ignore someone you don't like, mainly due to the fact that, like you, they can't start anything or else they may be gagged. Hope you all enjoy the site, and I look forward to working with any members of whom I may meet.
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