Learning Oghams

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Learning Oghams
Post # 1
I want to learn this method of divination. However i am confused because some of the symbols are identical except they are facing the left or right? Does any one in this thread practice it? what would you recommend for a beginner? are there any books out there you could recommend.Thanks in advance.
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Re: Learning Oghams
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I use the Ogham for divination. It can be difficult at first to learn to read the symbols because they are both similar and difficult. You might want to try using either the ogham cards or one of the sets of sticks that contain both the symbol and the name of the tree to help you learn. There is a kit called " The Celtic Tree Oracle " by Colin and Liz Murray that contains both a small book to help interpret the symbols and a deck of cards that is a good place to start.

There are a number of good books on the subject. I'd recommend the following:

"Ogam: Weaving Celtic Word Wisdom " by Erynn Rowan Laurie

" The Celtic Tree Mysteries " by Stephen Blamires

" Ogam: Celtic Oracle of the Trees " by Paul Rhys Mountfort

"The Book of Ogham " by Edred Thorsson

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Re: Learning Oghams
Post # 3
Thank you so much.
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Re: Learning Oghams
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

Thank you Lark. This is something I'm learning too

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