Spell for Abuse?

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Spell for Abuse?
Post # 1

Just wondering if anyone knows of a good spell to help me and my son heal from my abusive husband. He has been emotionally and physcially abusive for the past 5 years and I finally got the strenghth to leave after he locked me in the house and said he was going to kill me. I am going through so many different terrible emotions right now. He is running to all kinds of people and telling them lies about me and it is so hurtfull. I need a spell to make him stop lying and admitt the truth and stop abusing people. Also, something to help heal what my son and I have been through......thanks in advance! : )
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Re: Spell for Abuse?
Post # 2
Um, well, if you can make up your own, then it will most likely work a lot better than if you get one from this site. You can make a truth spell, I would advise this for him lying, and then maybe, if you want to do some black magick, then you could curse him or something. I wouldn't suggest listening to me because I am kinda new at this, but I think it would be best with the truth spell, or maybe you could make a potion. I don't know many other things, but for you and your son, a healing spell. That is all I can think of right now, but God Bless you and your son!
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Re: Spell for Abuse?
Post # 3
i hope you find one
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Re: Spell for Abuse?
Post # 4
Give me a PM and i will see if there is anything i can do to help.
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Re: Spell for Abuse?
Post # 5
Dear WitchAngel. Sorry to hear of your problems. It's not all that uncommon, and though emotional pain is only measured by the ones whom received the injury. I discern a great deal of pain in the 'aftermath.' Before you do anything, ask yourself what you want most; is it revenge, or is it healing for you and your son? What is most important, securing your truthfullness by revealing to all his lies about you, or is the primary desire the emotional security and well-being of your family? Family meaning you and your boy. This might sound crazy, and I'm sure quite a few will dispute my words, but realize first the words I write are coming from a mom (not some kid) and from a woman who has 'walked in your shoes.' Forgive the man....of everything that he has done to you. Now, this isn't, "O.K. I forgive him," and then poof! No, no. It will take a while, and it will take effort. You see, until the acts of him are forgiven by you, those memories of such acts will wield power over you, in other words they will still affect you, and he will still hurt you over and over again everytime you remember what he has done to you and your boy. To affectively 'heal' yourself from such, you must remove that power of him to so do. As I said, forgiveness will not poof everything away, it will only remove the hold of him to cause you more pain, i.e., neutralize the souce. Step two, deal with the pain and hurt. I'm sure your boy has seen things he ought not have, I understand. And I also understand, that as a mother our job it to love and protect our children against all enemies. I understand first hand all the emotional stresses placed upon you as a mom. So, to paraphrase step two, forgive YOURSELF, neutralize the cause of the pain again. Your son is looking to you, and he will learn from what you do. Most people believe forgiveness is some kind of recognition to the one who cause the injuries. It is not. It is the most pwerful 'spell' conducive to healing. Once you complete both steps, you and your son will be 'free' (so to speak) to rebuild in Love, and out of Love to each other.
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