You need paper, a red pen and preferably a black candle...
Write your wish with the red ink while repeating the phrase
"Goddess I beg of you,
Make my desire true"
(Repeat more depending how big the wish is)
Then fold the paper 3 times and burn it.
The only sort of wish spells that have worked for me, other than praying to w/e sort of God you believe in, is by doing water meditation spells.
How to perform a water meditation spell:
1.) You need to put a lot of effort, concentration, focus, and will power into everything I am about to say, focus hard on what you want, whether it's to obtain, or help someone. The context of the wish should have no effect on the methods of the spell.
2.) Have water, obviously lol. You can fill a bucket, bowl, sink, w/e works for you, but some people believe certain metals obtain magical powers that help empower the water, and same goes for the type of water you are using. So if you feel tap isn't working, try blessed water, or some magical infused water.
3.) With your eyes closed, standing above the water, hover you hand, barely touching the water, but gracefully moving, and skimming the surface. You should lightly feel the water grace you hands.
4.) Move you hands in any sort of direction you want, whether it's in a circle motion, up and down, w/e feels right to you. From my experience circle motions work the best.
5.) Focus hard on what you want to obtain while still hovering you hands above the water. You can also focus your brow chakra if you want, it works for some, but I have never done this. But if you feel more power from focusing your chakra in your hands more, or in a certain part of your body, then by all means do so.
6.) There isn't really a timed limit on how long you should perform this spell, but w/e feels right to you. I mean in all honestly you can do this as many times a day, or once a day if you want. As long as it takes I guess for it to work.
*NOTE* If you want to bless the room, or put candles, or certain materials around to enhance the energy of the room, you can do that too. I usually put candles, and tapestries around the room, and for the type of metal I use for the bowl, or w/e you are using, I like using pewter. Older pewter is apparently toxic, so try to buy something more modern online, or local to put your water in. Toxic metal might even taint the magical properties, but I don't think that is possible idk haha. It's all trial and error at the end of the day.
*NOTE 2* Make sure to keep a log book, and jot down anything you experience also.
Hope this all helps! If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me, or reply! :3