Jar Spell Experiences!

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Jar Spell Experiences!
Post # 1
Hello all! I have only one experience with jar spells, one that worked very fast, but died out because of other reasons. That was about three months ago. Recently, I just started two jar spells:
1. A Vinegar jar spell with the couples pictures facing outwards, two petition papers with the commands in a circle with the names in the grid, vinegar, black pepper, cayenne pepper, salt, coffee grinds, red pepper flakes, and lemon and lime juice, with the halfs of the lemon and lime, facing opposite directions.

In addition to that, I created a honey had spell, made in the similar fashion but with sweetening herbs and honey with pictures and 1 petition paper.

I'm starting this forum to ask everyone on their experiences with either of these jar spells, honey or vinegar, and how they made them! Thank you to all that reply, I hope your workings all go great!
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