music illusions?

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music illusions?
Post # 1
is it possible to play a song on an instrument (flute) and cast illusions with the music?
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Re: music illusions?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

If you're talking about illusions that other people can see and think are real then the answer is no, one cannot do that.

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Re: music illusions?
Post # 3
Actually yes you can, the psyche can be manipulated by sound. Science has proven this as a fact.
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Re: music illusions?
Post # 4
But it's not going to be guaranteed, it's best to study psychology for something like that.
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Re: music illusions?
Post # 5
The only known way is to playmusic for (and music played by) people with synesthesia. But everyone with a visual-audial synesthetic link will experience something slightly different.

I have very mild touch-audio synesthesia. When I feel a vibration, I also experience it as a tone. Often the tone felt is not the same note as the one heard by my ears, when I am able to actually listen to the vibrating object. It is difficult to explain, sort of like trying to explain yellow to a person with selective colorblindness.
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Re: music illusions?
Post # 6
That's not the only way? To alter ones state of consciousness is not difficult, the tricky part is taking the person to a point of hallucination. MKUltra did a fair job at that.
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