Third Eye Side Affect?

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Third Eye Side Affect?
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
I think I may have asked this before on the forums as it's been years since this happened but I have a...mildly irritating condition coincidentally after trying to open my third eye. Honestly, I have always been horrible at meditation but while on vacation years ago I was performing chakra meditations and simultaneously got sick due to of all things an air-freshener. I was specifically focusing on opening my third eye at the time and ever since I've had mild(was worse originally as I've gotten somewhat used to it) sinus like pressure on my forehead. I've also always had bad sinus issues so I truly believe it's a coincidence but following that I had even more trouble meditating as the feeling felt worse when trying.

Years later it's pretty much just become part of me though I don't even try meditating anymore. I know pressure in your temples is a sign of opening the third eye and while if it is related I don't think I can do anything as I continued trying to open my third eye as well as all of my chakras for some time after that yet with no change though my curiosity has me wondering if the two could be connected.
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Re: Third Eye Side Affect?
Post # 2
This is one of the many side signs that your third eye is starting to, has begun, or is opening. It can also mean your third eye is open. Pressure upon the forehead and a supposed "pop" or crackling sound is to be heard(though not always) for the third eye to be open. Headaches are common. Depending on the tradition(whether it be Hindu, Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, Tibetan Bonpo, or whatever), side effects are different, but similar.
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Re: Third Eye Side Affect?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
What I gather from what you've said here is that it's likely you have a block of some sort. They come in all sorts, but the most common thing blocking progression is yourself. Are you possibly scared of what you might see/tap in to? If not do you think it's possible you might be subconsciously sabatoging your success. That is something that can and has happened believe it or not. I've personally found that the longer a block is in place, the more determined I become to most past it. It might also be something more that I haven't thought of. I think if you were to peform a cleansing, find some essential oils you're fond of, and try to do it again, but push a little harder with what I've said in mind, amd see what sort of results you get.
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Re: Third Eye Side Affect?
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I've never heard of that before. I don't know if this will help -- perhaps you are already doing all of what I'm about to suggest -- but moving through the chakras in order, beginning with the root chakra. The root chakra affects physical health, so if it's not completely open (or any of the other ones occurring before the Third Eye chakra aren't completely open) it may cause negative side effects when attempting to open the others. Also, have you tried simply meditating without the use of chakras first? It may be as simple as your body not feeling accustomed to it. Other than these suggestions, I second the idea that it may be a block, which is usually personal. Regardless, I wish you much luck in getting through it! Let me know if anything helped!
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Re: Third Eye Side Affect?
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
A personal block sounds somewhat plausible as I have never been that confident in my capabilities. I have very little time or privacy at the moment for meditation yet I'e always been pretty inept at it. When I first began I had a odd/frightening experience yet instead of discouraging me it only encouraged me to try meditation more though I then got discouraged at my lack of ability as well as the fact that nothing unusual ever occurred again. I may look into youtube videos and any guidance that can help in order to attempt to meditate again in the coming future whenever I have more time in case this is something I could overcome via meditation. It just feels like meditation which I already found...unpleasant was made harder by this pressure as focusing on meditation seems to enhance the feeling most likely because my mind isn't distracted from it. It wouldn't be the first time someone brought something upon themselves :). Thank you for your replies and if anyone has any other ideas I'm open to them, though simple is key for me as I don't have even many simple tools so I'm not that ritualistic in my practice. I'm definitely not able to find a reiki healer for instance in the boonies lol.
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Re: Third Eye Side Affect?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
If you lack in privacy that also might be a reason. By the sounds of it, this issue of yours isn't caused by just one thing but by a number of obstacles. Might I suggest meditating in a park or in the woods? Even by a lake?
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Re: Third Eye Side Affect?
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
That's easier said than done, but when things calm down I'll see what I can muster.
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