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Post # 1
Event since I was young I have been able to use magic in many forms such as controlling colored orbs that come from my aura and others around me when I make certain gesters like narrowing my eyes or other types of language or communication. I can communicate my will to these small orbs of rainbow colored light that only i can see and they feel like pins and needles or cottony smoke. I can also control these spirits that look like humanoid beings. I can here them to they ring to each other to communicate and I can understand them.
They appear and dissapear well certain ones do when I look at them. I don't understand what this power is i only that its called magic.
Some more examples are that I have a familiar i summoned from a spell on this site when I was twelve it was a humanoid cat creature with demon wings and a black slimy devil tail. She has been speaking to me and teaching me this power she calls magic. She wont give me her name so I named her cilia. She taught me through dreams and visions. But I don't really know what magic is. So what is the true definition of magic? Is it dominion over spirits and energy or what?
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Re: Magic
Post # 2
From what I’ve come to understand, magic is the use of illusion to fool someone. Magick is the use of energy around you to enforce your will around you. Hope this helps
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Re: Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 3
The best (and simplest) definition of magic that I have come across is this;

"Magic is the use of will to affect change."

It is a pretty broad-stroke definition, but in all practicality it needs to be. And despite the width of scope it does capture that elusive sole thread that is common to every practice, faith, method, and overall belief.
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Re: Magic
Post # 4
Ben, while you're not incorrect, the definitions are not quite so strict. The reason the K was added to the end was to differentiate the two, but that does not mean that magic spelled without the k is necessarily illusion. Some people choose to use it for clarification, while some choose not to.
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