Hello - New to the craft

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Hello - New to the craft
Post # 1
Hello! My friend and I are new to the craft. So far we are figuring it all out and starting slow. We are making sure to save spells for later use. I am unable to find a spell to make someone forget someone else. Is there anyone that could help me with that? I was going to write my own but I wasn't sure where to start.

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Re: Hello - New to the craft
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: Hello - New to the craft
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

This first and most important thing to know about any kind of magical working is to have minimal expectations. Doing this type of work can take a long time to master, depending on where you're called or where you're headed in your spiritual life.

Nothing is guaranteed and expect the unexpected.

As for your spell, you can't directly affect someone's memory in order to erase the desired memory or thought of someone. However, you can influence it using different tools and calling to different entities. But with each entity, you have different types from all sorts of different cultures. At the top are the Gods, of course. Many of us on this site worship many different dieties, but some of us may also work with different spirits. Fae, Thoughtforms, and Landvaettir are just the 3 examples I can come up with the spot, but there are many more on this earth. You can call on these entities to help you influence your favored outcome.

As for your tools, you have herbs, stones, incense, and other tools that have certain associations as well as different properties. Don't worry about sorting out which is which for what purpose. Because quite honestly? Unless your a hardcore traditionalist in your path, it's honestly so much easier to improvise when you don't have the necessary tools available.

Need citrine? Clear quartz is a good substitute. Lost your athame? A butter knife will do just fine. Misplaced your sage? Line you doorways and windowsills with some good ol' salt.If you're trying to get the top quality tools out there, you're one expensive pagan. But that's not a bad thing as long as you can afford it. Keeping a grimore or book of shadows is recommended as well. You don't need some fancy schmancyleather-bound journal with bamboo tree paper that's imported from India. A regular notebook will do just fine.

This entire reply is just scratching the surface of what awaits you. Should you choose to walk this path. Good luck. May mailbox is open for any further questions or concerns.

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