Who gives dream answers?

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Who gives dream answers?
Post # 1

On occasion, I send a request out into the universe to guide me by dreams, and it works. I get answers in symbolism if I happen to remember the dream.Are there any deities that do this? I want to potentially work with them, as thanks for their assistance.

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Re: Who gives dream answers?
Post # 2

Mostdeities and spirit in general give signs to people through their dreams it's the most common way of communication spirit works with to try and reach out to the living. These dreams are often more vide, fast pace and make zero sense compared to the normal and everyday dream. Depending on the dreamer and the spirit in question it can be different for everyone, but most spirits often bring signs to a person dream that the person in question would be able to figure out. Deities may show the dreamer symbolism that represents them and spirits of ancestors may show people their last few seconds of life that the dreamer will be able to interpreted.

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Re: Who gives dream answers?
Post # 3

Hmmm... maybe if I ask them tonight to show themselves..

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