Theres always a voice in my head that sounds like me and it tells me what to do and no matter what it always ends up saving my life, for example someone kept on texting me on here and i got a bad vibe from them and the voice in my head told me to block them and i suddenly felt this feeling of pure relief in my heart, i was wondering if this is normal?
You could possibly be communicating with your supermind however I cant say too much about that topic as theres really no documented cases on someone who can but i know it is possible through meditation but a constant connection I dont know man that sounds very special and I wouldnt see it as a burden :)
However you could also be picking up the frequency from your guardian. Try meditating on the voice
I believe that's your intuition telling you something's wrong with the situation you're currently in. I could be wrong, I don't know. Or it could be your spirit guides helping you to save you from unpleasant situations.
I suppose it depends on how literally you mean "a voice." If it's just a feeling in your gut and you kind of verbalize the feeling to yourself mentally with your inner monologue, then yes. That is perfectly normal. Particularly if it sounds like you in your mind. In such a case, this is just your intuition and your mind processing it for you. Meditation (particularly chakra meditation in my experience) is a very good way to connect more strongly and clearly with your own intuition. It will teach you to recognize your gut feelings more clearly. Another interesting thing you can do with this is actually not magical at all. Focus on the specific behaviors that you think may be setting off that reaction. These behaviors could be a specific phrase or word choice, they could be a reaction you weren't expecting from the person you are interacting with (for example, if the obvious reaction would be one thing and they do another), if you feel any pressure to act, say, or do certain things from a person and any of it makes you uncomfortable. Oftentimes, our intuitions pick up on these little things before our conscious minds do, and they let us know either by causing a churning in our stomach, maybe a headache, some people may feel clammy, or in your case, it sounds as though your inner monologue puts it into words for you.
If that does not seem to be the case, and you cannot find any trace of your own thought or gut feeling behind that voice and what it tells you, consulting a professional may be the way to go. There could be an underlying mental health issue or even a physical issue that your body is trying to warn you about.
To me, it certainly sounds like the first case, but it's hard to say without experiencing it myself, of course, so just listen to it and the feeling you get from it. Our minds all operate differently, so your interpretation is final above anyone else's.