Help higher self

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Help higher self
Post # 1
I’m going through something and I need someone to contact my higher self. It involves an entity and I’m horrified.
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Re: Help higher self
Post # 2

The first thing is to learn to clease and ground if you are able to do those depending on beliefs you can learn to connect to your higher self.

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Re: Help higher self
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Connecting with the higher Self refers to the act/process of becoming aware of yourself as a spiritual being. The higher self isn't a separate being/concept one connects with or contacts. It is in effect an act of connecting with your inner self.

Perhaps if you can shed some proverbial light on the situation and share some details on what is happening, we will be able to give some specific advice. For example;

- Does this entity you need help with feel threatening or malevolent?

- Did something happen in your life recently that began or triggered things? (Sudden change, moved into a new home, death in the family, dabbling with magic/ouija, etc)

-What specifically is happening? Bad dreams, oppressive (or uplifting) presences, strange thoughts or messages, that sort of thing.
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Re: Help higher self
Post # 4
I can’t do meditations I’d appreciate someone doing it for me as it blocks me from doing any visualization work. And my thoughts are very cloudy. The entity is threatening and malevolent. Once I entered the spiritual world I became overwhelmed and that’s what created the entity. Fear of the unknown and divine. It can possess my thoughts and take control of my thinking visualization and thinking patterns. So it shows me a hallucination. It can give me dreams but very rarely does.
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Re: Help higher self
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Unfortunately the higher Self isn't something someone else can do for you or on your behalf. It is a process of Self discovery and introspection. Your higher self is you. Not some separate entity representing an idealized state of you... just, you. But it is You when you are being Self aware, mindful, and in a state of mind where you are aware of yourself as a spiritual being residing in a physical body. It isn't a thing you find. It is a state of being that you learn to experience. And it is a lifelong journey.

It sounds to me, based on how you are describing things, that you began some sort of new practice/meditation and had an experience that was new to you. Being un-familiar territory, you got yourself afraid of things you think may go wrong, and so it seems you are holding yourself back with your own worries rather than being stopped by some external force. It sounds like you are in conflict with yourself.

Rest assured this is pretty normal. The unknown is always scary. That is just how the brain is programmed to me. If you don't know what you are dealing with, it is the mind's job to assume the worst in interest of avoiding harm. It is just basic survival instinct. Though, not always easy to overcome.

I find most often knowledge is what best dispels fear. Learn more about what you are trying to accomplish. Listen to your rears one at a time, and address them. Fear of harm? Learn about protection. Fear getting 'lost'? (A common but odd idea when it comes to astral travel) Understand how you are anchored and can always find your way. Afraid of changing? Recognize the only constant is change, but we have the power to choose how and what we change into.

In the end, the solution to every problem lies first in understanding what the problem actually is.

As for being distracted or unfocused during meditations, don't stop practicing. Focus first on keeping calm, and worry more about letting your thoughts be before you try to create silence. The more aggressively you try to force thoughts the louder they get and the more frustrated you become... which just continues to snowball.

It is like holding a clump of dry sand. The harder you squeeze, the more you displace the grains and push out it of your grip until you have nothing. But open your palm and let it rest... sure some will fall away. But more will invariably remain in a neat little pile of its own accord.

Take some time, release the stress, and patiently keep practicing. Doubts and distractions are normal. Observe them, explore where they come from, and you will discover new insights. Talk to people about what you are learning/wanting to learn. Share what your concerns or feelings of vulnerability are. Ask questions. Share ideas. Even be challenged by people who don't share your views. And over time you will learn from all of it.
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