A few Questions/requests

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A few Questions/requests
Post # 1
First of all. If you have any recommendations - spells/articles about chakras for me, please mail me,
Second. What if magic was like JK-Rowling-Harry-Potter magic, which I know it isn't?
Third. Why do some people call real witches, who know the difference between real magic and fake magic "haters" and try the fluff spells on the site if they were told by someone (for example: Nekoshema or Tadashi or myself - if they're a member on the site) that the spell's fake and won't work?
Last of all. If you have article recommendations - just note I'm in Magical Knights - please mail me, I do anything from languages, to chakras, to art just to name a few, I'll make them public.
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Re: A few Questions/requests
Post # 2
The thing with articles about chakras(said like shuk-ra in the singular) is that the information is pretty much the same no matter what articles you go to, the only difference would be in the quality of the information, how it's presented and explained, etc. Youtube can be a good place for this since you could base the quality on the comment section, see how detailed people think the information is so that could see if that could help you. Of course everyone's youtube video is going to be from the lens of their own magical practice, so look around. What do people say that's the same, what do they say that's different. Cross reference anything that comes across to you as a matter of fact, and that applies to any type of study, magic or mundane. This site has tons of articles on charkas however it's almost seen as a stereotype of witches that we all work on our chakras. Just know you don't need to, you can have a very successful magical practice without the use of chakras.

If real magick worked like Harry Potter magic I believe we'd have no real economy. I mean, why do you need money when you can just "magic" everything. No need to for gas or electricity when you can just use your wand to produce flames for cooking or bathing. Even water could be conjured so no need to pay a water bill. Honestly, I'm not saying it's bad series , it's very enjoyable, it's just it's hard to feel (at least for me) that these characters have any real problems given how magic in Harry Potter seems a bit too "easy". I mean you can duplicate items (granted the copy will break down faster such as with copied food going moldy sooner , copied objects being more fragile , etc) Honestly, I feel like I would have liked the series more looking back on it now if magic wasn't so much as a "it can do anything" such as how they have a department for magical transportation that handles things like your flying broom but once a person turns 17 they can learn how to teleport. Why have a department for something that's only a problem for 17 years? You can tell that the author really didn't know how popular her series would get when you look at the earlier books.

Third. Why do some people call real witches, who know the difference between real magic and fake magic "haters" and try the fluff spells on the site if they were told by someone (for example: Nekoshema or Tadashi or myself - if they're a member on the site) that the spell's fake and won't work?: The "haters" thing is because the younger audience believes that since Witchcraft is real, so must be harry potter, or any other tv show with witchraft in it. These people call real witches haters because they think we're gatekeeping them from practicing by making an alter to The Hollow from the vampire diaries series, The Originals. These people are ether too young to understand real magickal practice or they are unable to let go of the idea that say "vampires are real, how do I become immortal , how do I teleport, how do I bring a toy to life, etc because they have their own story in their head of things that just don't work in real life, then the spell fails, and they either think "Oh , so all witchcraft doesn't work then" and move away from magick, or they double down in their miss-belief and end up getting no where, attempting spells to "summon the devil, or throw a fire ball (physically)" etc. They don't want to learn, and when real witches attempt to bring them in the right direction they attack the real witch saying "please accept my belief that werewolfs are real and that I'm a WereWitch with a Deity mother who has come to earth to..." kind of thing. These people just don't want to grow. like it's my belief that real witches are people who don't know they're witches and through their experiences they end up coming to magick and having a much more clear view of their own life that they trusted their gut and did research and can say that "I'm a witch" and know what real magick vs fantasy show magic is, or they have a "spark" in other words. I would say that if someone is a real witch, they have always been a witch they were just an untapped witch until they started practicing. and then we have people who just want to feel important , all the witch vampire, reincarnated Aphrodite or something.

I'm sorry I don't have any article recommendations aside from things written by Lark.

Hope any of this is helpful

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Re: A few Questions/requests
Post # 3

What if magic was like JK-Rowling-Harry-Potter magic?

As neat as I think it would be if magic worked like that on the physical plane, it's probably a very good thing that it doesn't. People could do some very good things with that sort of magic, but they could also do some very terrible things. Not that real magic can't do terrible things, but at least it has a lot more limits in this reality. We humans have enough ways to cause problems already without instant magic added to the mix.

Why do some people call real witches, who know the difference between real magic and fake magic "haters" and try the fluff spells on the site if they were told by someone (for example: Nekoshema or Tadashi or myself - if they're a member on the site) that the spell's fake and won't work?

Multiple reasons come to mind. If someone's only exposure to magic is fictional magic and they have problems distinguishing fantasy from reality, then it can be difficult to convince them with words alone that such spells aren't going to work. Disappointment can also be a factor. Some people have a clear idea of how magic should work. When they're told that it doesn't work the way they think it does, that can lead to disappointment, which can lead to denial. Finally, lack of education about real world physics is likely a factor. If someone doesn't understand that it takes a lot of force to lift a person off the ground for example, they may think that magic can do it just fine because... well it's magic.

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Re: A few Questions/requests
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

It is unfortunate that we have many people who think the magic of this world/plane of existence should be like the movies or other the fantasy mediums that some are drawn to. These folks want so badly for their fantasy to exist that they disregard all known magic (aka; our natural world) and our understanding of it. Like the young throughout time they disregard the elders who try to warn them, believing that the elders do not know what they are talking about. They try farce magic that is created without proper intention, knowledge, and the wisdom required to cast a magical working that actually suceeds because their belief in a specific fantasy is so strong, even if there is no possible way for that want/wish/will to manifest. Sadly we has wiser souls along the journey can try our best to steer these misguided back to a path of what is actually possible with magic, however we can not dwell in the minds of those who see only what they want instead of the true magic that lies hidden in plain site ; )

Below are some links to items that may be of interest;






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Re: A few Questions/requests
By: / Novice
Post # 5
What if magic was like JK-Rowling-Harry-Potter magic, which I know it isn't?

Do you mean a secret society of sorcerers? That would be The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn [I'm joking] People don't want to believe reality is real. They want to believe a secret organization holds the "real" power. That's true for government, finance, fame, and witchcraft. If Harry Potter was real, and there was a place where that type of magic was real. We would have discovered it by now [either that or the magic enforcers in that universe would need a TON of memory-erase spells. Never read Harry Potter, so I'm not too sure how it works. Though I do know my Hogwarts house because millennial] Magic is being taught to children. It doesn't matter if they're 10 or 12, or even 18, they're still humans. There is no moral and/or developmental difference between witches and muggles. You'll have those who want to show off, those who want shortcuts, and those who don't care for rules. I guarantee if flying on broomsticks were real, we would have seen some 14-year-old Logan Paul dude-bro doing a stupid TikTok about it by now. Sometimes, the lack of evidence is evidence. [Im Ravenclaw by the way. Slytherins a close second]

Why do some people call real witches, who know the difference between real magic and fake magic "haters" and try the fluff spells on the site if they were told by someone (for example: Nekoshema or Tadashi or myself - if they're a member on the site) that the spell's fake and won't work?

It's been mentioned above, but the average users of this site are in their teens and the average "real witch" [I don't like that term. More experienced witches work] is in their twenties or higher [I'm turning 34 this year and Tadashi's turning 30, the old man lol] There comes a level of maturity with ages. I'm not saying people under 18 are all immature or that anyone under 18 isn't qualified to speak on witchcraft [many practitioners I follow on WitchTok are younger than me] What I mean is, your brain isn't fully mature until your mid-twenties. That's why you get so much drama in high school. Everything's everywhere, so reading "this is fake" can sound like an insult. Then, they react like any rational teen with threats and weak insults [I'll admit, there is the occasional good one, but normally it's old material] I've had a number of people message me years later to apologize and they all say the same thing "Sorry I was so mean to you X many years ago, I was a teen and I was upset because I want *spell* to be real" You've got to learn to shrug it off. [that's why I take breaks. I've only got so much energy and I don't want to waste it on drama] All you can do is hope they come around with age. Sometimes people come to this path too early. That's fine. It'll be there when you return. I took a 2-3 year hiatus from my craft in my late teens and early twenties [not because I stopped believing, but because I lacked the motivation] Once the newness wore off, I had to look within myself to find my path. I hope in time these people do the same, even if it doesn't bring them back to witchcraft.
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