a message from Frater P

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a message from Frater P
By: / Novice
Post # 1
The modern and the ancient collide.
The old ways evolve to birth the new.
Light and dark become as one.
The law remains. The law of man. The law of spirit. The law of the spirit-man.
Fear and rejection will fade and all will, again, be of one conscious.
We will utter nothing, and the world know our will.
We will reflect the primal, and it will reflect ourselves.
A new spectrum will be known, and we will operate outside of the confines held by those who have sought truth through understanding.
We will become they who seek understanding through truth.
We will heed only the call of the universe, and the universe will heed our call.
One will revere the next, and the gods and goddesses of Earth will inherit her.
And when left and right become middle, "do what thou will shall be the whole of the law."

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Re: a message from Frater P
Post # 2
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Re: a message from Frater P
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Thank you.
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Re: a message from Frater P
Post # 4
Brillaint!! That is truly powerfull stuff, the energy behind it is pretty fantastic!
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Re: a message from Frater P
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I hope that people will understand what I mean. I mean exactly. I hope people will take the time to figure it out, because this is all very important. Not to ring my own bell, but this wasn't exactly for me.

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Re: a message from Frater P
Post # 6
The people who need to understand it will, i know it isn't honking your own horn, it is to help bring back a couple of memories to a couple of people, memories some never even knew was theirs, here's my advice to those who read it, don't try and understand the words, look deeper, feel deeper, lose yourself in it and see where you go..
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Re: a message from Frater P
Post # 7
that was really profound
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Re: a message from Frater P
Post # 8
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Re: a message from Frater P
Post # 9
Frater P? Frater means brother in latin, doesn't it?
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Re: a message from Frater P
By: / Novice
Post # 10
It does.
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