The Path of Light

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The Path of Light
Post # 1
Hi. I'm here to introduce to you all 'The Path of Light'.

As we all know, we're in the age of revelations. Any bad deeds, unconditional behavior or things done wrong will be exposed - age of Aquarius.

In my case, I'm a Gemini and I will remain in Jupiter until next year.

Don't try to cast any dark spell on me - it will backfire, as I'm a chosen one of the most high.

Now, let's begin.

Atlantean Magic:

Atlantean Magic is composed of several variants, using crystals such as amethyst, dark quartz, turmaline, rose quartz to activate your chakras. Chakras are wheels. We have 114 chakras located all throughout our body and around our energetic field. 12 secondary ones, and 7 primary ones - The Sacral, The Pineal, The Throat, The Thymus, The Solar Plexus and The Root. Once all 7 are balanced, you will start to feel a lot better.

Let me begin.

Atlantean Magic consists of working in the light and repenting of any black magic rituals as they can backfire hard and bring you severe consequences. Especially in the age we're in - many don't realize there are 144,000 chosen people of YVHV, Jehovah, Shalom, whatever you prefer to call the most high. And when you do a spell against them in the age of Aquarius, your life crumbles.

It also involves calling upon the Ascended Masters and doing lightworking bath rituals with incense, a bell to clear out the energies and some lemon along with herbs. There's many variants.

Destiny Swap (The Reali-ty of Spirituali-ty)

Now let's begin with destiny swap. Destiny swap is very real. I managed to maneuver around that and build a solid foundation and security for my life and those who tried to destiny swap with me failed miserably. This has been going on for centuries and it's usually attempted at birth so a person can have the same destiny as you and you remain with the other person's destiny. There's many ways you can do this, but it's evil, malevolent and SHOULD NOT be done unless you're prepared to get butthurt (sorry for cussing).

The Reality of The Bible
In Genesis, Moses describes the Earth and the Skies. Now what are the Earth and the Skies? The Earth is Mother Gaia itself. The Skies are the electromagnetic fields around the Earth which we call the Matrix, or, the Ether - just like in Minecraft lol. I'm learning on how to appreciate my inner child.

Study like I have, I have extensive experience in this and I'm aware of how to cleanse a haunted house. Remember, study a lot as we're all students and masters at the same time. There was a Judo black belt master who decided to be buried with his white belt to be remembered as the student he was. And above all, avoid people who carry the spirit of Iscariot.

Much love, blessings and light to everyone!
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