how does magic work

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how does magic work
Post # 1
ok this is my 4th info grabber for thoes of you who do not know wat that is, im making posts so that 9i can get everyones opinion on wat ever im talking about is, so now wat im asking for is how does magic work, and when did people start to study with the arts of it,
-blessed be isit
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Re: how does magic work
By: / Novice
Post # 2
People have practiced magic, at least, since recorded time. Exodus gives an example of this when the Pharoh brings forth sorcerers to to outdo the god of Moses. The sorcer throws down his staff and it becomes a snake. Moses throws down his staff and it also turns into a snake and ate the sorcerers snake. This is just an example so don't call me out for using Christian text.
As for why magic works, that is definitely something to meditate on. I will stay tuned here to see what others have to say, but as far as I'm concerned it just does. We are capable of drawing (massive amounts of) energy. That energy is submissible to change, so with true will, and focus on the true self, we make ourselves capable of discharging that energy as we see fit.
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Re: how does magic work
Post # 3
Magick works on energy, energy is constant and can not be destroyed just set into motion, thus magick is the act of setting energy into motion with thought waves or vibrations, intent is what guides it, and banishing the desire once you are complete is what allows it to manifest. Everything in existence has some form of energy within it, thus learning to manipulate this energy is where magick comes in, all the rest of the spells and chants and rituals all came after this.
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