meditation puts me asleep

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meditation puts me asleep
Post # 1
Hey everyone. I have a bad problem, everytime i try to meditate, i fall asleep. This really hinders my atempts at actualy doing any magick successfully. Anyone have advice?
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Re: meditation puts me asleep
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Are you sitting with your neck and back straight?
You want to hold, if you can, right before you fall asleep. This is the best frequency (at least in my experience) for meditation, and things astral.
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Re: meditation puts me asleep
Post # 3
yeah, thats how i sit. I just try to focus on breathing and i doze of, and wake up later. It does give me weird dreams though.
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Re: meditation puts me asleep
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I would first tell you to try and remember as much of those dreams as you can. Second I would try to tell you to move your focus elsewhere. Breathing is where I started as well, but focusing on your personal energy, or even simply the dark behind your eyelids, may be a good change. Of course if you're focusing on the dark, you will begin catching glimpses of things. If your energy is focused you should be able to eventually start to let them play out,
Let me know how this works for you.
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Re: meditation puts me asleep
Post # 5
Well for one don't try to meditate near your bedtime and never lay down to do so until you have enough skill to do so without falling asleep. Try sitting in a chair with your back straight, ground and center yourself then begin by relaxing your muscles starting from your head to your feet and if that does not work try in the opposite direction but do so with your eyes closed then as you are relaxing visualize a sphere of white energy then come out of it and practice this for at least a week. you may find that when you begin, things will distract you but gently push the distractions away and keep doing so until you can get use to it. You see the most important thing is to quiet the mind scape and to do that will take time.
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