Astral Progecton

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Astral Progecton
Post # 1
so can some one tell me how to ap. I need to unbind a spirit thare and then rebind it thare (it is evil) to something so if no one can even harm the spirit elness thay are in the astral relm/astral plane so please tell me. Do not be a jurk about it just tell me how I know have lukid dream is a form but i want to leave my bodey I have done it once but I dont know how to repit the experence.
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Re: Astral Progecton
Post # 2
PS I alredy did google and youtube ( 21 vids and 5 pg. of google).
pss Jha I just saw 1 more vid and 3 pages of google
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Re: Astral Progecton
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Are you familiar with your chakras demongate? Hmm...interesting. Anyhow, that is the beginning. It can take a lot of practice to make it even if you've done it once before. And I'm not just trying to burst you're bubble. If you must harbor a demon until you learn, drop me a PM and we'll at least get you properly shielded. Then we can work on chakra opening. However, I'm only willing to help you if you're willing to be serious and honest with me.
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Re: Astral Progecton
Post # 4
OK i will
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Re: Astral Progecton
Post # 5
well I was trying to ap and when I was I felt as if I was spinnign is that normal
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