
Forums ► Welcome ► dragons

Re: dragons
Post # 2
And i had dreams in which i was huge banana.
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Re: dragons
Post # 3
i used to have dreams that i was a falcon, they never did mean anything
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Re: dragons
Post # 4
i dream that spiders are hunting me... but little ones. and then they et me and i die... :( but it doesnt mean anything. i also dream often that im riding an eagle into battle in a land where the enemies look like big random monsters. but i dont thing i was ever small enough to ride an eagle... sometimes, dreams are just dreams.
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Re: dragons
Post # 5
I had a dream i was a kangaroo.
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Re: dragons
Post # 6
i dreamt i was dreaming...
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Re: dragons
Post # 7
I dreamt I was going to the toilet..
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Re: dragons
Post # 8
Freud: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
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Re: dragons
Post # 9
I once dreamt I was the Pharoah of Egypt sitting on a throne, thrn got invited to a tea party by Hitler and Rihanna. SERIOUSLY! Sometimes not all dreams are significant and meaningful, some are just surreal mixtures of things your conscious has absorbed. That dream was probably caused by me learning about Ramses at school, drinking three cups of tea in the evening because I was watching a comedy about Hitler with some friends and also I think somewhere in my boarding house I heard one of Rihanna's songs. STRAAAAAANGE!!!!!
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Re: dragons
Post # 10
Dreams of becoming a dragon... It means your on the same path I am, to become a dragon. (Either that or your playing to much Spyro)
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Re: dragons
Post # 11
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