Ridding oneself of anger.

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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 2
The reason most likely that you would not see much of this topic posted is that it is easy to say so and so did this to me and that is the reason for my hurt and pain, rather than saying I need to take a deep look at myself and find where my anger is coming from and remove it.

I had a friend who suggested to me that I take a candle into the bathroom and turn out the lights and talk to myself in the mirror like I would a friend and council myself. The purpose of this is 1. your features would seem much different adding to the ilusion that you are talkin to someone else and 2. I have found this even for myself that we give others very good advice but dont save it for ourselfs.

Once we have found the source of our anger it is prudent to forgive, I found myself everytime that a memory would come up to the surffice that was hurtful I would simply repeat over and over I forgive, I forgive. I found by saying that I could let go of hurt, pain and loss, the very things that cause anger most often.
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 3
Everything has a frequency. You have to change your frequency. Bad thoughts are of course negative and are not a part of our nature born state. We are beings of energy and light. When you can remember your light self you then will find the peace in all things and people. Negative people are like brain dead zombees who can not find the way back. So, anyone below you set at lower frequency can not effect you. Just raise your thought energy frequency now. The more you think of the bad the more you will get from that. The thing that bothers you is like a rubber band. You keep striching the problem just to keep hitting your self over and over again with it. Look deep inside of yourself energeticly and spiritually. Trust me you will find the answer.

A software that can help http://www.myspace.com/robodron
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 4
GEMINI - May 21 - June 20
You won't hesitate for even a second before helping someone whose need is far greater than your own. Even if you suspect that the tale of woe you hear is only part of the story you will still go out of your way to make them feel better...
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 5
Tankgirl, thank you, I will have to try that
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 6
Robodron, wile I intellectually understand what you are telling me it is the methodology of doing such that is foreign to me, might you be able to clarify. I am sorry I cannot go to the link as I do not ever use myspace.
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Re: Ridding oneself of an
Post # 7
I read of this idea. get a rock from outside. Hold it. focus all your anger into it.then method one has you rinsing the stone in the sink-imagine the running water taking it all. method 2 you focus your anger into it and throw it taking your anger with it.
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 8
"Spiral dance" by Starhawk Tess hun?
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 9
I will direct my Other Half to this thread,she uses a form of meditation to gather negative energy and expel it,but she can explain the actual process of it far better than I can
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 10
The technique I use is to get rid of negative energy in general. Be it from stress, being an empath and feeling negative emotions of others, or your own general crankiness.

When you feel these emotions..take a time out. You don't necessarily need to find a quiet place, but if you can, right on.

Picture these feelings or energy as a black ball in front of you. With each breath watch and will the ball to turn white. With each breath feel yourself getting calmer. Continue to do so until the ball is completely white. Then watch the ball fade from your view, pushing it away from you.

You should be calmer after this.
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Re: Ridding oneself of anger.
Post # 11
Healer, thank you, that is one I can actually do with no qualms about it. I have gotten much better at visualization in the last 3 years and I could see it as I was reading your words, per chance it is a sign, again, thank you so much. I have needed something simple to start with and this could not be much simpler. To everyone else, thank you as well. I will get to trying those things after this, as I "feel" this is a wonderful starting point for me. I will let all know how it works for me.
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