So sorry to hear that! I haven't made any justice spells, but I do have one, and only one at the moment on this website, that may be worth a try for you. I made and used it for a hateful woman that basically tortured me everyday. Usually spells don't work so fast, but for me my spell worked by the next day! It's a binding spell, and of course if you decide to look at it tweak it to your liking! Even if you don't use mine a binding spell of any kind would work great! (If you do want my spell go to my history, but if you can't get to it message me!)
I wouldn't recommend using a spell in order to solve this problem at first. I would say you shoud contact the authorities and stay in a safe place.
But if you really want to and you feel it may help, maybe a binding spell or banishing spell-as he is negative part of your life that should be removed- I'm not sure what types of spells to do in order to stop this man but, I hope everything goes well at the end.
As magick has limits and when it comes to non-magick related issues I am normally a believer of utilizing the mundane means of stopping someone. I know you say the law is not being helpful but normal channels are your best chance of stopping him rather than magick. I would explain to these people he lied to the truth and allow your light to overcome his darkness. Sinking to his level won't help but at the same time I do not see the harm in trying to stop him using magick if only because it could be therapeutic
If you seek the magick route there are many revenge spells on this site. The defintion of karma relates to reincarnation and the next life yet I like spells that give back what someone deserves my theory being this type of spell will not function except to return the pain they have caused so theoretically you cannot hurt someone with it who does not truly deserve it. I recall one called threefold karmic retribution, but I do not normally cast revenge spells so I do not know their success rate.
Seeing as the basics have already been covered, I just have a couple more mundane things you can do as well to help.
First, see about getting a webcam of some sort. Make sure it has a good resolution and decent recording framerate. If you can get one that has low-light or infra-red that would be a bonus, but functional ones can be prohibitively expensive for personal use. Whatever you get, set it up in a corner of one of the windows that face the area outside that seems to have the most occurrances. Make sure the camera is inside and not obviously visible and set it to record for two or three hours during the times you think this person is coming around. Most cameras come with software that will let you do this... or else you can download free trial softwares or even freeware. This might mean also leaving an outdoor light on as well to provide adequate light.
Review the recording daily... it might take 20 minutes or so but you can just playback the file at 2 or 3 times the speed and slow it back down anybtime you spot anything. If nothing untoward happened then delete the file and do it again. Any found activity should be set aside in a dated file in a separate folder. No compression and NO editing or else it could be made unuseable.
Once you have a handful of videos take them to police on a thumb drive for review. At the very least it should be enough for them to put a ghost car or plain clothes unit in the area.
sorry to hear all this. i would set up cameras to try and videotape anything since you've been reporting it all to the police already. he las made a bit of a foolish mistake magickally speaking leaving objects and even urinating where a witch can get and use these objects to tie it back to him. [regarding the urine, dig up the dirt he peed on] you can then use these objects as a direct line to anthony.
on top of keeping in contact with the police and setting up cameras, i would also request any surveillance footage that your work might have as well and ask people to describe the person who has told them these bad things about you to the police so they can at least have multiple witnesses describe the same man defaming your character.
as for magickal, i would cleanse and protect though this won't stop him, if you focus on him getting caught crossing the protective barrier you create around your home this could effect him on an energetic level. you might also consider doing a binding spell using the object he left. you could also make a poppet and stuff it with these objects and herbs used in justice or binding spells. [or curses if you choose to take it a step further.
there was a spell i did once when someone was sticking gum on my doors eyehole [someone was doing that to everyone on my floor actually] after the third time i took the gum and a pin, charged it with energy, then said 'this has to stop, may karma catch up with you' and i stabbed the gum. he never stuck gum on my door again and about a month later he was caught and the whole gum on peoples doors was over, so i pulled the pin out of the gum and cleansed it saying 'your lesson has been learned, energy disperse' you could do something similar with the poppet if you wish, or tie its hands and symbolically have him arrested.
I agree with nekosheima contact your local authorities and then you need to place audio and video surveillance system around your property so that if he does anything or attempts to cause you harm the police will have evidence to support your case and then you need to file a protective order to keep him away from you.
Magic is the best case scenario for your situation