Here are some Links Kao posted a few weeks back.I just started studying it myself. I have been learning and taking from each system and doing my own thing as well for years. never knew "it" had a name. I hope this helps some.
So the difference between Khaos and Chaos is.........?
I'm sure theres more to it than the K looks cuter =P
And let's touch on this whole " it can destroy what it comes in contact with". I understand the concept of some people not being able to handle it. I personally wouldn't attempt to tap into something I was unsure of. But should the day come where I feel ready ( 30-40-50 years lol ) I'd kinda perfer not to be destroyed for attempting to harness it or use it. That would just be a bummer
Posted this under my other user name, preferred it from my normal profile, so here goes..
Because Khaos is energy which comes before any and all other forms of energy it can almost be considered as a energy version of antimatter, it is energy which can be intense to the point where it destroys whatever it comes into contact with, the universe was created by a spark of Khaos at the right time with the right chemicals present, big energy make big kaboom savvy? ;)
Energy is energy, but each element within the universe has their own unique form of energy which all vary to some degree, that is also why not all forms of kinesis is the same, because one has to master the different element to understand how it works
To begin grasping or touching actual khaos energy i recommend you start delving into tantra, because the soul energy used in there will let youknow what you are feelig, and trust me, you will know when working with pure Khaos energy, take a atom, focus onto it till you have that atom isolated within energy, make the tension grow till it is vibrating so rapidly yet it cannot release and then with your energy split it and cage the energy release from splitting that atom, that is using true Khaos to some of it's potential.
To better grasp what i mean with negative energy think of balance in the universe, a ying yang, there is a light side and a dark side, posiive and negative, without one there can't be the other, now Khaos comes from that Darkness when the universe was just void, empty of anything except some chemicals with the potential for life, once the first big bang happened order was created.
Khaos is the ancient universal element, Chaos is a modern term for something which relates to ancient Khaos if you can take it to it's higher levels.
Healer, if you can sense energy pretty well or feel it well let me know and i can let you feel Khaos, but once again, it isn't something everyone reacts to well.
Why would Chaos not be Chaos if rules were applied, all it would mean is there is balance, hence the term controlled chaos, ever look at a true warrior mid battle lost between blades but moving in his own reality without getting touches yet tearing his opponents apart, well that is a nice example of controlled chaos, after the battle he will return to his normal self, some favour the lighter side, others the darker, both are important, Khaos is just regarded negative if you think to it's polarity relation to Order.
Ok...It is a bit confusing, but at the same time makes sense.
Of course I am in the begining stages of learning about it, so I expect myself to be in an inner battle to understand.
What do you mean by reacts badly? I am pretty good at sensing energy. I could be better I suppose and am working on controling what builds up inside me since it seems to grow to a point of intense pain. I do know that if I look past the physical pain I encounter when I have these high amounts, I am in a whole new place and don't even feel like myself. My usual ideas of karma are broken at these times. It's hard to explain what goes on at these moments. It's beautiful...painful..but beautiful.
I'm rambling, sorry. Back to reacts badly. How badly? Phsyical pain I can take, altered mental states with not so hot consequences would be an issue for me. I would hope it would only be temporary, and am not afraid but...I have to think about the condition of my being for the sake of those around me. If that makes sense.
Example...if it will drive me to the brink of insanity for an extended period of time, that would not be helpful to my parental life. Ya know?
I'm interested. Very very interested. It's slightly hard to move past rules and dogma to fully grasp it, but I think accepting the possiblity and probablity to be the first step. I also think I need to tweak my self a bit. Working on the basics of energy control within myself and other elements before I could even begin to work on something of this magnitude. But it's something I plan to work towards.
I will also do it Healer. Although I cant feel energies that well, I will work at it. I've been interested in Khaos Magick for a while but could never get into it. I would rather someone tell me then reading it from a website and book. Although, sometimes those are the only two sources I can get info from. But I will also have to work on my inner and outer energy control.
physical pain... you can experience anything from headaches, strange tingling (worse than pins and needles) on extremeties, even burns... if i release Khaos from my inner core... i physically burn as if sitting in the sun for hours, i get blisters and scorchmarks... once even at the most i have ever released... Kao and my best friend had to litterally shut me down and reroute all the energy... then let things start up again slowly...(kinda like rebooting a computer) it was pretty intense but if they hadnt stepped in... i could have spontaniously combusted. (dont worry... i dont do it often ;D and i always have backup...)
there are actually 3 types of energy a person can use... physical (inherited from parents)
soul (your own inner energy that is sustained within everyone)
and Khaos (universal fabric, you may have heard it called manna,prana,ki(not chi but its opposite and equal in the universe)and creates physical change once uderstood.)
Wow that seems powerful and dangerous. I knew Khaos was a Univeral evergy but I never knew that it could cause things like that. I see it as an infinite mysterious force which never ends. Lol physical burns are a bit much for me. I might punk out if that heppen lol.
hehe, don't worry, balance just takes it to a serious level, everyone works at their own pace, i can promise you no one has ever been able to tap or use khaos to it's full extent till they are ready, the mind has limit blocks put in place to prevent you from damaging yourself too badly, Balance has just reached the point where she has broken through all her blocks and now just taps what she needs as she needs it, also, the combustion situation was actually caused instead of it happening by fluke, Once the body goes into a state of release if the right or wrong elements play a part things can go bad, luckily in that case Khaos was there to be able to on a soul level reboot the sytem.