
Re: Mice
Post # 11
He asked for spell...you gave simple mundane thing..its more effective but you lack creativity and khaos..

In my attempt to make such rite i googled anti mice gods(well its google...)And found this:

"You've probably heard the news about Mickey Mouse: He's a soldier of Satan that should be killed on sight. Or so said
Sheikh Muhammad Munajid, and he should know. I'll let him tell you about it."

Haha anyway heres the ritual:

Banishing of mice:

You will need:

Self made sigil of mice
Wind(any wind will do)


0:Start by focusing on mice..easy but faster with each breath..

1:Slowly draw sigil picture of mice

2:Start by simple thinking of rejecting mice and mice leaving yours house..

3:Focus on that thought..and emotion

4:Sense as wind carries away mice..

5:Trow sigil down wind

6Say bye bye to mice

Simple and easy.
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Re: Mice
Post # 12
get a snake and set it lose. or get a knife or BB gun and shoot them. You must get every one or else they will come back.
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Re: Mice
Post # 13
when i was a young girl my mother used to cut the top of a coca-cola 2 litre bottle (at top 3rd measure) and invert the top into the bottom, selotape it fast and drop a piece of cheese in. lie it on the floor, a mouse would climb in eat the chees and not be able to get out again. keep a few around the house and just check up on them daily (you dont want mice starving to death in your home) then we would take them to the local park and set them free. the "majic" in this is when setting them free you talk to mother nature and tell her you bring her gifts to use as she sees fit and that you hope she is prosperous and yeilds well over the year. this is a "ritual" people used in old days to keep their feilds clean and the goddess happy, in return she makes your harvest overabundant. in todays modern times we dont often have harvests (unless you have a veggie garden or grow other "recreational" plants) however you can redirect the energy into any other way where you can benafit from the growing energy (eg your health your families health even if a pet or plant is sick.)
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Re: Mice
Post # 14
Satan loves mice.
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