
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► exorcisims

Re: exorcisims
Post # 11
well NecrO is right chathlocs do almost kill the person during the exorcism.
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Re: exorcisims
Post # 12
That's because priests like to play occult. I don't like catholic priests. They are greedy and evil. I've met only two catholic priests that I respect as men of faith and to do exorcisms the catholic way you need a priest, or a person, of strong faith.
Problem is that these true priests don't want to play with the occult and that leaves the entire playground to fakers.
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Re: exorcisims
Post # 13
and thats why I sad "don t call the christian priests"...
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Re: exorcisims
Post # 14
Yeah but if he's lucky and finds a true exorcist he can save his brother.
Anyway I suggest you try islamic priests (I don't know the correct term for them).
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Re: exorcisims
Post # 15
What I suggest you do is find out what entity possesed your brother. If it is a demon, ask it its purpose in being inside your brother. If you think it lies then I would make a sigil and do a Tesser-Evocation. But I doubt you have enough experience for that.

So what I would do is make a magick circle. Then a Solomons Triangle. Drag him into the triangle since he is the Vessel. Do your protection spells along with your grounding rituals. Call out the entity from the Vessels body. Pour your energy into it and call him forth and almost drag him out if its necessary. But you must remember to keep the entity inside the Triangle along with the vessel. If the triangle is broken, then you will have a problem. Once you have the entity out, interrogate it. Ask it why it came into the body of this Human. What purpose it has. Things like that. THe Triangle forces ANY entity to tell the truth. Doesnt matter if it was an Angel or a gnome, he has no right to come into the body of your brother unless your brother asked for the entity to come into him. once thats done, wish the spirit off.
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Re: exorcisims
Post # 16
-_- a good example will be the movie "unborn" such stupid way of displaying exorcism. anyways, I do not believe your brother is posses.. O_o since the movie "the exorcist" came out.. the statistic of people being possessed when to the top.. -_- a common mistake. Either way, the catholic church has elite priests that are specialist on the area, if this is a serious matter.. I will recommend you to go there.
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