All of that stuff is achievable by kinesis. Try I always seem to be recommending that site here!!! Pagan magick cannot do what kinesis does, only a very high level of Quabbalism can.
also i agree fully with Perd... there isnt really much more i can add, simply, that when a person delves deep into the mythalogical, logical and truths that you need to understand and master within yourself, such fickle treats as making things go poof into nothing or throwing fire balls, honestly no longer hold any awe, your soul gets to a point where the universe is your home and your energy source. so yes we can call storms to help wash out our poluted river and bring fresh energy to places to make them abundent with life, and we can change the colour of the sky for the amusement of our children and friends, we create many things and play with fire, and water and wind, but honestly those things hold no importance to us, growth of the soul and touching TRUE divinity and coming back enlightened of life death and the workings of the universe is so much more of a reward.
Wow, im learning so much.... erm.. tat sounds sarcastic but it isnt meant to be haha, ive actually always belived in that programming idea... that more or less we are born with our ablities, and through the constant barage of "magic doesnt exist" and such it is taken away, thats why babies cry when someone simply enters the room, and why they are predispositioned to people they havent met, as are we all, but more powerfully with babies, because theyre sense and sight of aura is so much stonger, until they are told to us theyre eyes oher ways, i beleive that is also why they tend to like drawing people in specified 'random' colors...
i know i am over anylizing, and that is probobly what my problem is, and it isnt at all that i want instant results, because ive been trying for quite a long time... i know that truely beleiving is the key... but how can i do that? How can i set aside all the things ive known as truth? I try all these things, and i never get anywhere.... i guess it just brings me down and i cant get past that :-/
Zacc, in my opinion there is no such word as "can't".
If you believe there is then you will believe that you cannot do something, that if you really put your mind to, you could.
Again, it's all about programming..
For example instead of saying "I can't do it" why not say "That was just a little setback, but I can do it" instead?
Within time you will get there. You just need to be patient and positive.
Re: Where are powerful spells By: Perdurabo / Novice
Post # 16 Jan 07, 2009
I wouldn't even call it a setback. Just part of the plan. If you don't plan for mishaps, you need to rewrite your plan.
There isn't any one key or path here. There are at least a few people you could talk to here, as well as a lot of reading on ego death.
On my own path I did some study on the ego as according to freud and jung. It helps to be able to identify what actions and reactions are wrought from ego.
After which you can learn to supress and eventually obliterate these actions and reactions. Perception as we know it is a trick from the ego. Step one: realize that nothing is what it is, and you yourself are not you. Rather you are everyone and no one.
Re: Where are powerful spells By: Perdurabo / Novice
Post # 20 Jan 08, 2009
Time is synthetic. I will agree that it takes a lot of practice. A lot of meditation. A lot of reading. A lot of reading. A lot of reading. Lol.
Time is what is or is what it isn't. Days, weeks, months, years. All the same and the world spins on. You try and try for ten years, with nothing to show, the same as a load of other people. Then you find all you needed was a nudge in a different direction. And even then some don't acheive what you wish to acheive.
Have you ever thought maybe your path is just to be one of spiritual excellence? I will promise you over and over again, that once you've touched enlightenment, everything you can see, and touch seems no more than trivial.
All this said, we know you can't produce lightening from your fingertips....I'd be a fibber if I said I could...on this plain. We know you can't manipulate fire, or perform telekinesis. I'll attest that telepathy is a lot easier than kinesis....can you do that? can you astral project? Do you meditate regularly? I guess all I'm getting at here is if you can let us know how far your practice has gotten you, even spiritually on a soul level, maybe I or someone else could help you deternmine what our next step should be.