Our Coven is OPEN

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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 11
the coven description is pretty vague.

but my point is that I will not limit what is taught simply because something is negative.

yin and yang.

you need both.

I practice mostly psionics, which is barely magick, its is also the cornerstone of all magick....energy.

and energy is not "black" or "white", nor "wrong" or "right", it just is.

we cannot limit our thoughts to purely unselfish motives or we lose sight of ourselves, because, as humans, we are selfish creatures.

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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 12
Rowan,I share your concerns and understnd them I really do.Im on the council of Angelic touch,and while every one is all for protection being taught we also have to at some point teach retaliation(or revenge if you prefer).You simply canot allow your self to be nothing more than a sponge absorbing everything thrown at you.After a while the stronest ,would simply be worn down.Thats why I feel its necessary to teach how to attack back,or seek revenge as some would call it.While its not my favorite area to dwell in,it is a very necessary area to have balance.Its been said that the best defense is a good offense.these are just my opinions..peace
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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 13
I use psionics too, and beginning chakras with Kao's and Balance's help.
What revenge are we talking about?
Rowan, the right to knowledge is the right we are born with.
Wether you like it or not, all knowledge should be free, though what others make of the knowledge that has been given to others, does not concern me, that is their path which they undertake. If they wish to talk, then there will be people available for a nice chat, if they don't talk, it's not up to us to force them to stop revenge.
You don't need magic for revenge, that's the weakest way to fight, with magic. Unless both parties use magic, magic is like a wuss's assassination method. Shameful, and dishonourable.
People that come here for magic are either weak, or they have doubts.
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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 14
Thankyou for your input Nodrk and I do understand what you mean. Maybe because I am older and have lived through so many crisis moment in my life i can look at things a bit different. Many times others have hurt and upset me and beleive me I am no pushover - i do stand up for myself.

But I do not do revenge. The meaning of revenge is the retaliate against a person who has wronged you. Now in a situation where I was fighting for my life - I would hurt someone but that is not retaliation. I would never deliberately do anyone harm - even if they have harmed me. Full stop. This is not my way. I truely believe that the universe will teach that person what they have done wrong and what I need to do is to forgive them. This is the law which I live by and I will never change that.

I hope you can see where I am coming from. But I must also say that I really love your posts Nodrk and consider you very wise beyond your years.


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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 15
I know also what you mean, Rowan, one life is one life, nurtured over their lifetime, is what you would be putting an end to, with revenge..
But revenge is here for us, if we don't learn about it, it's easier to fall into deeper emo-phases than if we didn't know it existed. It's like vaccination.
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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 16
Luzifer, your right, energy is neither good nor evil...it's what you DO with that energy that makes it either good or evil. Also, revenge shouldn't be something that is considered practical magick, it should be something taken EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY, and taught that it should only be used as a last resort. In fact, it shouldn't even be called that, it should be called protection, because that is the only time black magick is acceptable, when one is protecting one's self or others * remember the rule of three ? *

P.S.- I'm not saying that other area's of magick should be taken lightly, I'm saying that black magick, which is what revenge is, ( trust me, I've been there), should be taken more seriously than anything because it can be dangerous to the practitioner and others around the practitioner...especially the people you are closest to.
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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 17
the rule of three is a wiccan religious concept.

not an exclusive part of magick.

therefore if your not wiccan you need not fear it.

but your right arch, The ability to hurt others should be respected and taught to be used infrequently.

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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 18
You should still respect the rule of three whether or not your wiccan. I do not define myself as a Wiccan but as a practitioner of grey magick. Karma, the rule of three, or whatever one's preferred term is, will still come back to get you.
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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 19
Have to disagree arch. I do not have to respect the rule of 3 because it does not apply to me. It has no effect on my life.

I respect those who follow it though.

I'm sure many of us could go into a lengthy discussion about this....perhaps another thread.
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Re: Our Coven is OPEN
Post # 20
you should share raven. ;)

just kidding.

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