who was i??

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Re: who was i??
Post # 11
Mandy; Almost everyone has been reincarnated. We all, or at least most of us, have a number of past lives.

Feeling like you don't belong is a feeling that generates from several things; isolation, depression, and cultural shock being three potential causes.

A friend of mine once said, "If it happened then obviously it was meant to happen and if you're there then obviously you were meant to be there. Everything happens for a reason." Just thought I'd share that. :)

f34r; I don't think she's said anything to give the impression that she is being stupid. She's most likely right about being reincarnated(since nearly everyone has been), strange thoughts are unusually common amongst people(especially teenagers), and feeling like you don't belong is a feeling more then a thought and in my opinion not a feeling that should simply be ignored. As for wanting to know her past lives, allot of people want to know their past lives and in knowing your past lives you can gain both wisdom and insight on why you're here. So that's not something I would call stupid either. Furthermore, if she feels that she belongs somewhere else and she feels that knowing her past lives can help her it may be that her answer really is in knowing her past lives.
All that said and considered; she hasn't said anything to give the impression that she wants to be different nor has she said anything to imply that she feels her life is meaningless, only that she feels she belongs somewhere else.
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Re: who was i??
Post # 12
he dont want to be different. he just feel different. i feel im different from any of you right now. my face is different my age my life. everything is different. if there is some similarities among us, there is also something different about us.
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