
CovenBaron La Croix ► Debating

Re: Debating
Post # 11
Exactly, thats why I wanted to talk about it, for the beginners sake. I agree, with time and experience you do learn to read signs.
Myself, I cast a circle depending on what kind of working I am doing. Since I have gotten into crystals and working with them ,I usually grid myself with them before casting.

Re: Debating
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
Which is right of course.

Another topic?

Re: Debating
Post # 13
how'd u all get into magick most ppl have a reason for it

Re: Debating
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
Well that's not really a debating topic, but i will let it pass.

When i turned 11 i was doing my homework in the school's library. When I came across a book called Insight into the palm. I took it home and took notes on it and started to really get into it. After awhile i got really good at it so i tried finding something else.

I then became a herbalist , studying the fine arts of herbs and there ways. I'm still practicing herbs because it takes years to learn all there meanings.

When i turned 13 i found this site and really got ideas into what to get into next. I found divination, energy, and very good teachers and friends. I still learn stuff from my students and my old friends. And its all because of this site.

Re: Debating
Post # 15
I've been exposed to magick in some form or another pretty much all my life. My mother, her mother, her grandmother, great grandmother (you get the idea) were all witches.
When I was very young, I dismissed it, for obvious reasons.
About 2 yrs ago I was called back to magick, very strongly.
Then I found this site and made some awesome friends who taught me a lot. I'm still learning herbs, I am into crystals and stones( still learning that too) and now want to expand my knowledge and abilities.

Re: Debating
By: / Beginner
Post # 16
Its always good to expand your knowledge and talents.

Re: Debating
Post # 17
i myself started when i was 6 my first books were on magick of some form of another i started out with divination in the simplist forms, then i just let it grew from there but for about a 3 years i didnt study anything or do anything in magick, but now i am back in it and studying any and everything i can

Re: Debating
By: / Beginner
Post # 18
It's good to learn everything you can. I dont know much about the after life but i know you cant take your human things with you. But i do believe you can take your mind with you, and in your mind is knowledge.

Re: Debating
By: / Beginner
Post # 19
A new debating topic...

Let us debate on the after life....

My theory is we get a choice to decide if we want to stay on this earth or go to the next. Or in other words *free will*..

Let the debating begin!

Re: Debating
Post # 20
i agree but we dont get to keep out memories, i love these memories of the family ive made on this site, the loved ones, and the same for real life, but in the actualy after life we get to keep them, so is it worth it