Why believe in ghosts?

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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
Post # 11
I know for a fact they exist but this was very witty of you to post. Of course people only look into it because they want to know what happens next. Even if they would say "I dont beleive in ghosts" or "I only look into it to be scared" everyone wants to know. And I think that the reason for that (besides the fact that we dont want to go into an empty nothingness for eternity) is because nobody truely knows. There are people like me who have made contact or seen them or felt and heard them. But absolutely nobody knows what happens when we die. Even I dont and I have grown up experenceing them. Everyone has their own ideas of what happens after death, but nobody will ever know the truth untill they have passed.
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 12
I know that spirits exist because I lived in a very spiritually active house from the age of 4ish to 18. I experienced things alone and together with others, that could not be explained. Everything from things flying off shelves and walls, to bags rattling with no wind present, to definitive footsteps upstairs or even stomping when no one was up there. Sounds of things banging and crashing without a trace of anything touched or moved. Doors being slammed against, with no one there. Figures moving in the dark, voices, etc. My stepfather was a huge skeptic and even experienced these things. I was always able to hear, see, and sense spirits since I can remember. You can say that magick wasn't a choice of mine, that I decided to walk down this path not because I wanted to, but something I sought hard to learn entirely in order to gain protection and peace in my own home. Then I saw results from my hard work, practice, and research. The activity died down to only lighthearted mischief, which I found amusing. After that, magick became a passion of mine, and a way of life.

If I had not experienced what I have, I would not believe in spirits as I do. I am a person who believes only what I see, observe, understand, and what makes sense to me. Most of what I write on these forums are based from those things. I read, of course, but I never "believe" what I read unless it makes sense based off of my own experiences, psychology, science, history, etc. I investigate, philosophize, and come up with my own analysis on everything before accepting it.
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
Post # 13
I've always understood obsession with ghosts for three reasons, one, they have probably experienced it, two, humans are obsessed with the monster in the closet, meaning what they cant sense this ghost with there 5 senses, they then immediately find it intimidating and more powerful then themselves, three, we all experience death, many of us seek reasons and reconnections of lost love and life.

I have been interracting with ghosts since i was 7, which is truly a blessing and a curse.
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
Post # 14
I'm interested due to my experiences with them that started at a young age. It is in a sense a quest for knowledge, it's interesting to try and understand those things that are no longer living or haven't lived at all, but yet they interact with us.

I have found that the friend I have that are drawn to this kind of stuff are usually ones that had an experience at an early age. On the other hand I can see some people obsessing over ghost/spirits/demons etc. for the sole reason to try to disprove them.

All in all I find it rather interesting.
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 15
DiveRightIn, you nailed it on the head calling it a blessing and a curse. I say that all of the time. =)
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
By: / Beginner
Post # 16
I still call it a blessing. Because if I ever do run into anything menevolant that is a spirit I will know where it is so I could deal with it and also you can learn so much from spirits than you can from people who are actually living. Too bad you can't use spirits as a resource on school research papers.
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
Post # 17
They are very real. My first few experiences, I blamed on dreams. When it continued and intensified, I saw a psychiatrist.
Now, I listen and when proper, engage. .
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
Post # 18
I believe that ghosts/spirits/demons exist. i have friends that have talked to them, and ive talked to one through my friend (she was taken over). As for what happens after we die; I was told by the spirit i talked to that its very similar to the limbo theory. I dont know if this is the truth or not, but it is what I have been told.. It also told me that sometimes reincarnation happens but I am unsure about what causes someone or something to be reincarnated.
This is just what I was told by the spirit, I have no way of knowing if its the truth or not.
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
The human animal will believe anything that gives some indication of an "afterlife". It is because of the certainty of death; and the fear of it. So, if you wish to believe in ghosts and spirits, then it will give you comfort.
Personally, I have never, in 78 years of life, seen a ghost, heard a ghost, seen a spirit, heard a spirit.
So do they exist? If you believe they do, then they do!
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Re: Why believe in ghosts?
By: / Beginner
Post # 20
Ghosts exist. They're there. Trust me, a lot of ghosts stick around after we die. Some of them even do because we make them promise. I had one spirit that did that and I made it promise to stay with me until the day I died because I was so upset I was an idiot at the time. A few years later when I started sensing, hearing, and seeing ghosts along with a bunch of other stuff and I realized that it had and I was an idiot for telling it to. So, I asked it to pass on because it wasn't fair for it to keep sticking around waiting for me to die. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. It was awful.
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