talking to the unborn

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Re: talking to the unborn
Post # 11
All I can add to that you are not a freak and to embrace your hell with those who don't accept it..also in public and around those who don't understand.. tone it down...with me I cannot say that it will be easily thing is that i can feel and see what people really are underneath the smiles and I can tell when they lie to me..and I avoid being around people because it as you said gets I am one who does not fit in...a loner...withdrawn...if you find a way to do this maybe you can share it...though it is a good gift to have sometimes i wish it could shut off...sometimes I can also feel their pain and see what they try to hide from people as well...I reached out to some and sometimes tried to encourage those in pain..but at my old church they called me witch and wanted to know how it was I learned quick enough to pretend I never knew...people may want to pull you down..but don't listen to are gifted,,and believe in your talent...
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