remarks from a moderator

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 11
I can`t really tell what is the difference between witches and wiccans.I think Witches are very different from wiccans cuz Witches practice different "style of magick".I do apologize if i`m getting this wrong.

Luzifer and someone gave the facts of witches WHICH is very different from wiccans.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 12
To be perfectly honest in my opionion and knowledge wiccans are witches, though to be wicca it is a religion and you don't have to be wiccan to be a witch. Due to the different ideas and beliefs and everything else there is out there that is what makes the majickal way of life so contraversal differing and neither one nor the other. Everyone has different purposes for majick and different feelings on how to carry it out, this is where I'm in the belief of respect one another but don't take everythings stated as attacks as those you feel are attacking usually are those who have researched and experienced the most. Excluding the few that often state that vampyres as an example aren't real simply because they don't want to accept it (which isn't those like Luzifer.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 13
Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face.

Wicca is the fall of colourful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Mother Earth’s nature and being humbled in reverence.

When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls.

If this path is yours, you may walk it with honour, light and integrity.

"Nope definately nothing said about being Wiccan means you have to be a Witch".

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 14
i recieved this from the same moderator named..........Gaurav

"if it continues ban will be imposed...this is a formal being a Moderator i have to take care your words dont harm anyone dont have to reply to this mail...your ignorance will bear no impact on the outcome of your actions...which will be a ban....both from forums as well as chats...its a last warning.."

he insults, definitely something a mod should do.

im getting tired of this man, he is 1. calling me ignorant 2. he is threatening banning me because he asked me to be nicer with my posts, and in my reply i refused and 3. IMHO he should never have been made a mod.

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 15
I really think thats mean! I agree that he shouldn`t be a mod!
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 16
I, Jahbulon, hereby sign my name as part of an effort to help remove the corrupted Moderators.

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 17
I sign. Luzifer I'm on your side. Stupid people. You had every right to say your own opinions and you weren't doing anything wrong.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 18
it heartens me to see all of you coming to my defense....i thank you all from the bottom of my heart

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 19
Luzifer..I noticed you haven't been on the forums as much as any of us would like...Come Back!! we miss your Rants!
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Re: remarks from a modera
Post # 20
I dont believe anyone should be persecuted for giving their opinion. It is your right to express your beliefs and opinions, and in my opinion, you were not overly mean nor disrespectful. An established member should not be getting threatened with a ban providing valid information.
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