my torment

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Re: my torment
Post # 11
As wretched as I feel, if there is more to come so be it.
I'm not applying wicca , I don't know much but willing to use the hoodoo magik that does not have the law of 3.
Can I ask you this, I was told of a curse on my part and what if I lost her due to that ?
At times a man must just put his dice in and if he loses so be it.
I'm not going to kill myself I'm much better just have odd bad days now.
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Re: my torment
Post # 12
Hi cutie tail can you send me a pm ?
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Re: my torment
Post # 13

If you think it is due to a curse, try cleansing yourself. This can be done in many ways.

Light some sage in a burn proof container and swirl the smoke around you, visualizing a more peaceful state of being.

Take a shower or bath with sea salt and visualize said curse pulling out of you (like muddy or brackish fluid) and running down the drain.

Work on shielding. Many people see this as only a method of pushing away oncoming negative energies. However I have found it very helpful for problems that are already there. Meditate and visualize yourself being surrounded in bright white or gold light. While doing this, picture the "curse" and any other unwanted energy being transmuted in the light.

Sandalwood, frankincense and bay are said to dissipate curses when burned.

Regardless, I think focusing on other things would be your best option in the whole situation. It really does suck when we lose people we love or care for. But focusing on the negative of this only breeds more negative. Do things that make you happy. Meditate to help calm. Work on things to better yourself. It could help bring her back, or even bring someone else into your life. Blessings to you, in all your endeavors :)


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