New to everything...

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 11
prove us wrong then lolz.....

how is it messed up?

its a religion of sorts, and it offers less evidence than most religions try and put forth.... because we feel we have nothing to prove. we arent always trying to prove ourselves out of hidden shame for lying to ourselves.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 12
im laughing at you lolz, your helping us. not hindering us.

ps. what religion are you?

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 13
your not an atheist.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 14
an atheist is a person who does not believe in god, this does not mean they dont believe in energy and the manipulation of it.

also, mature atheists dont come onto sites to laugh at those who are theists.

they recognize that everyone is different and that some people NEED religion.

they dont bash it all the time.

you need to mature quite a bit and then call yourself an atheist.

i know quite a few, and you give them bad names.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 15

we have managed to believe something despite what others may think. we do not push our beliefs or opinions onto others.

dont you get it??

people lie to themselves all the time, about things much more important than this. some lie to themselves about why they got married, or why they stayed with a job, or quit one, or went to a certain college.

why not rip on them? because this is easier you figured. but its not. your unintelligient bashing meets my intelligient logic.

you are outmatched, give up. you have no purpose here.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 16
wrong, all this stuff came from legends that were believed by millions long ago, but were forgotten or not believed in.

we choose to believe in it.

ps. i never said i believed in anything more than magick.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 17
oh i give up i had him stoped in another thread about that same drated thing ~sighs~ when can a peace bringer ever get it to stay that way

go in peace and let none harm ye be safe always

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 18
you have come to a forum, with a belief against what the forum is based on.


there is no "sane" explanation.

you my friend, have no life.

lets talk about dont believe in the supernatural....done.

ok, so you got bored with your anti-religion, so you came here to laugh at us, to make fun of us, and to give a bad name to mature atheists everywhere.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 19
stop spamming MM.

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Re: New to everything...
Post # 20

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