Dreams of Caster Lands

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Re: Dreams of Caster Lands
Post # 11
umm i know this isnt a forum for stories but this is how the casterland in my dreams started out.

Casterlands conflict

Long ago in the ancient nation of the caster lands, lived many races of magickal decent and religous faith. the main races were wizards and withches. wizards promoted the property of white and gray magick when it was needed, but the witches promoted black and gray magick.

Their were witches who believed in wizard ways and decided to use white magick, but they would use it whenever they wanted unlike the wizards. the other witches did not enjoy the white witches belief so a small conflict of witches erupted, curse spells were casted throughout the caster lands, causind a large scale of deaths and unfortunate events.

The wizards soon became troubled and decided to end the conflict between the witches. but for some strange and abnormal reason the conflict just suddenly stopped.

The great Sage of the caster lands had appeared before all races, large man wearing a gold and brown hooded robe stood in the center of the land, he spoke: "the first conflict has happened and ended, wizards and witches will no longer be the main races, two other races will be chosen in the future" all spell casters bowed down to the sage, and with a raise of the sages right hand, the entire land became empty. no life existed for one millenium, but where the sage once stood was a stone, written on the stone said "without war there is peace, those who are peaceful will become the main race, those of war will become the dominant race"

after one millenium, two races appeared arcanists, mages and warriors.
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