Magic is fantasy...

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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 11
fantasy and reality have no line between them but slowly progress from reality to fantasy. although society doesnt want us to dwell on this and instead makes fantasy movies about spells and such based on real matters or subjects like alchemy, levetation and portray it as easy and need only 1 class to master (harry potter)

But i think we all know it takes much longer and much more energy to master and even DO something.
So magic can become reality when you focus and make it happen, after all wiccanism, paganism and many other magic related religions are in fact much older then christianity and just because christianity says its bad doesnt mean it is. So even though people portray magic as fantasy it could be because of religion and/or they want to make some good money... so its what you think about it and your mental focus on the arts
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 12
Magick not magic is as true as we allow ourselves to gaze into the fragmentation of mirrors that of what the universe consists, reflecting it's self infinite, even ourselves do peer in the mirror and what do we see?..............ourselves, this is our divine gift from those above
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