Becoming Psychic

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Re: Becoming Psychic
Post # 11
I firmly believe all people are psychic. Its a sort of birthright for us to harness. But as time shows what we disuse goes away, like moving your ears independently or other little traits the genepools cull..

Meditation then energy manipulation exercises is where you want to go.

Psychokinisis/telekinisis or telepathy would be running before walking, though you just may have a born in skill with it.

If you meditate even 30 min daily it will make yo ucalmer and more relaxed, and you will Notice the psi inside your body swirling.

That leads to energy manipulation and greater awareness.. unlocking of other talents or greater focus to preform others.

Think Big, start small, and Never forget that with psi workings belief is key.. doubt Will beat you into the ground and cause your attempts to fail.

Dont expect spectacular results at first, most psi stuff is felt rather than seen as well. Even accomplished psychics dont always see their energy or auras.

If you can be dedicated an dstick with it, its very rewarding. in a way energy manipulation that a psychic does is Very similar to the effects we use and call a spell. SO in essence you can learn shortcuts for both.

i would reccommend Every mage have a background in energy manipulation Just to see the viewpoint.. Makes magic all the much easier if you get it..

It truly is Perception you see ;)
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