Who or Why

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Re: Who or Why
Post # 11
The short version:
About a year ago I began studying the Law of Attraction. My research eventually led me to magic. It just feels right.
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 12
Also, there's magick; if you don't use it, what's the point in having it? Therefore I have proclaimed an unofficial law:

Law 467: ___ ____ __ _______ ______ _
Law 468: Use it or lose it
Law 469: ____ ________ __ _ _____ ___
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 13
Because i am blind, magick using colors is a lot more difficult for me, but i have found that simple things like crystals and shells do a lot for me.

I work mainly at night or during the early hours of the morning. I have looked in to a few goddesses as i prefer the energy of the goddess in my work and have found a few that i am interested in.
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