I HATE to Say It, But...

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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 11
I never said that, though. o.o I'm not even saying that we need to kill people for greed. I just stated that we need war and such to live.

Losses are terrible tragedies, I agree. But even to be used as for keeping more food, that doesn't mean it's the correct thing to do. You're just stating things that I haven't said but you assume I have.
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 12
life is the survival of the fitest (prolly spelled wrong) its a constant race to the end those who are not strong enough must lose(die) and the rest may go on but we should not fear death by the way things are now i am starting to believe that 2012 is possible and why not live everyday like its the last? for all we know tomorrow may never come.... so yes i agree with you tails i may be against war but we need it it shaps us greed freedom ect we would lose the will to live if everything were handed to us on a silver platter anhd yes eventually we would over populate the world.
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 13
So Moony, what if government officials came to your house and killed you including your family because they felt as if other people mattered more. What if they slaughtered people in your town because they felt that the next generation is more important then this one. Your not looking from the point of view of the people who have to die. Even though i dont agree with this, if this depopulation did happen then me and the government will have a problem. Im not going to accept death just for someone else I dont know nor care for can live.
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 14

An interesting look at war, religion and our governments...
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 15
I saw that movie and I can honestly say I love it. That was the final step that helped me break away from the church and hate my government.
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 16
anyone with half a brain doesn't need a scientist to tell them when demand exceeds supply there will be a shortage. The earth is a finite planet with finite resources. She cannot support an infinite number of people for an infinate period of time. When we reach the end of those resources, Mother Nature has a solution. Its called "Starvation". Humankind( I do not say mankind, because that feels to me as if I'm excluding women from both the creation and solution to the problem) is so extremely wasteful, that this time will undoubtedly come sooner rather than than later.
The only solution to this problem that I can see is is the developement of space travel, and access to other worlds for more living space and raw materials.
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 17
personally i don't think humans deserve the right to leave this planet, cause what will happen if we find another planet that can support life with resources? we will just rape and pillage it too till it's dying, humans as a species have become like a plague of locust, a disease to the universe, it's sad to think that we are the top of the food chain in our universe, the guardians of our planet, and what do we have to show if anyone from another universe was to come here except our shame for destroying our home, we are a sad pathetic species, the ones with hope and truth with in them deserve so much more than what they have been left by the past generations, i know this makes no proper sense, it just saddens me to my core to see what we as humans have become, and if we continue forward what will happen, we will just keep killing all things and call ir progress till there is nothing left..
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 18
We need...
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
Post # 19
Prize I fully agree with you. Yeah you're telling it kinda silly, but there's too many people on earth, right? Death is enevitable. Then why not control life? I reckon every single country in the world should follow suit when looking at China. If every couple only had one child the balance between the number of deaths and births per day would start to balance out. People take bringing a child into this world waaay too lightly.
Let's promote adoption like crazy!
Personally, I have made myself a promise to never have any children and thus submit them into a cruel and polluted world.
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Re: I HATE to Say It, But...
By: / Novice
Post # 20
Let's be real about this. Survival of the fittest in a modern world does NOT exist outside of the animal kingdom. For people it has turned to survival of the fattest. We are a spoiled society and mankind has worked hard to get it that way.
We are not facing an IMMEDIATE threat of overpopulation, which is okay because we will not immediately have the option of inhabiting another planet. When society does face overpopulation, we've been given knowledge and science so that we can tap resources we haven't even thought about.
Even in the midst of an economic decline leading to a modern depression, we may face hard times, but we are not in danger of running out of food or water, and if fossil fuel dissipates, we have alternative fuels, alternate means of transportation, heating, cooling. We may face a time where the hunter-gatherer, again has to be prominent. We may face a time when man does answer to the laws of nature, but don't pretend that we even know what survival of the fittest means unless you just moved away from a third world country. In which case congrats, you now have a computer and a McDonalds in walking distance from your house.
And let's not pretend any of us are qualified to say whether or not the world would make it without war, because none of us have ever had the opportunity to see what a world with no war looks or sounds like. And we won't. It's history. It's the present. It's the future. It's the society our ancestors made and the society we're stuck in. Sadly we are a people so infatuated warmongering, even some people on this site drag it behind them into their spirituality, and people on a wider scale do the same thing...have been for a milennia.

Love and blessings to those who accept.

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