The Shadow Lords

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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 101
Are you guys insane? How can we beat them on our own?
I saw use scrying to find the most powerful demons we can find, summon them and trap them in a black mirror with a middle tower ritual and then send them to the world the shadow lords are in.
Let Vau-Ael and all them fight for us. If that fails then i guess i'll have to do it myself won't i...
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 102
i have sum interesting time powers

i can

-see in slow motion
-see future
-change uture
-live for neither past present or future
- slow fall

will any of these abilities come in handy for fighting shadow lords? also skyro how do i summon shadow lords im planning on killing a few for practice
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 103
shadow lords are`nt easy to kill,
you need powerful spells and items to destroy them.
but...i don`t think that will keep them long.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 104
Well we will need to practice fighting Shadow Lords and analyse their main weaknesses until we are ready to fight the hooded Shadow Lord, for he is far more powerful than his retinues.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 105
Ive been thinking do normal weapons Eg. guns swords etc.
harm them or hurt them in some way?
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 106
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I have swords and other weapons. Would it be possible to seal power in them and use them to fight?
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 107
Well i just got the shit scared out of me and thats not an easy thing to do anyays from everything i just read unless someone finds some extremely ancient text of spells strong enough to kill them our trapped them we are all screwed..... i picked a hell of a time to start back practicing spells....
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 108
Lol, I know it must see that way, but hey there's still time to prepare. Better to start late than it is to start too late. :)
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 109
honestly you all fail miserably. ther is no hooded shadow lord, its just a myth the shadow lords very in power due to how many witchs or wizerds or sorrcerers the have killed and sucked the power out of. the most powerful shadow lord is Laetin and he rules over them right now and has a power level on a scale of 1-100 about an 85. yea he is strong but the thing about shadow lords is they serve who ever offers them the best offer. and all you need to do to kill them is use the ranacorpsum spell.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 110
Maybe Laetin is the hooded one since we've all been seeing him so often.
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