The funny thing about alchemy though, is that true alchemy(although now the basis for chemistry) can be seen in a different way. As Saint Germain puts it(still working on his book) Alchemy is a change within ones self, that of a spiritual nature rather then a physical.
FYI not an exact quote, rather a generalization of what he was getting at in his book: "Saint Germain on Alchemy Formulas for Self-Transformation".
The FMA(Full Metal Alchemist) method is one that requires the use of many lives/souls, not simple numbers like a dozen(which would be crazy in itself) but hundreds and thousands of people.
The HP version you'd have to talk to Nicolas Flamel to find out.
FYI, I post these purely for fun, no seriousness about them, and for due reason. Let me explain: the PS is said to be able to change base metal into gold, create the elixar of life, and do a few other things as well.
But heres the question, does one really need to change base metals into gold, and does one really need to extend life??
If people were able to change base metal into gold, what would happen? Simple, would decrease the value of gold, thereby decreasing the value of money world wide, and thus distroying economies all over.
Why would one need to extend life? It would be a very unnatural thing. We continueally live longer as time goes on, science and technology makes it so. If people were able to live longer then they currently do it would but things so out of wack, more so then they already are. And I'm not even going to get into the social problems with it(I mean seriously, would you want some people in the society we live in today to be living even longer?)
So all in all, I think that the easiest methods should be followed to procure the effects of the PS.
Such as:
getting a job = money(not straight up gold, but close enough)
exercising and eating right = best way to prolong your health and thus your time alive
and for all the other aspects of the stone, well tell me what they are and I could prob find some mundane method that does the same.
The Philosopher's Stone does exist. When I was studying alchemy I found it through hard work and understanding of the deeper underlying teachings of alchemy itself. The stone is both a solid and a liquid, as well as very powerful.
It can only be described, as it is up to the individual to seek the stone on their own. When you find it you will see that the riddle of how it is could make anyone kick themselves.
Good luck on your journey, and I hope you find it.
a couple different theories are out their about the Philospher stone. its main purpose is to turn base metals, lead steel ext, into gold. for me i interpret this into a spiritual philosophic metaphor, and the goal of some alchemists. for me, it is transforming yourself into your higher self. now that i think about it, it might be a cathedral quartz crystal, that holds the akashic record.