Very Important Question

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Re: Very Important Questi
Post # 12
You are very vague in what you asking someone to participate in. What exactly are you making and for what purpose? And if you are going to get something from a demon to help you then what would you need others to help you do? I am more than a little confused on this one.
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Re: Very Important Question
Post # 13
Rainbow hits the be helped you need to give specifics, because people do not want to be in the darkness...
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Re: Very Important Questi
Post # 14
what is it you need help with.
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Re: Very Important Questi
Post # 15
before i spill out my guts, i want to make sure i know who i am trusting with my idea, and i heard it takes a lot of power to get a demon to make something on the physical realm, so thats why i want others to help, but its hard to find people
and i am trying to make a weapon, i just need the demon to add the finishing touch, thats all the information ill say to the public
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Re: Very Important Question
Post # 16

I'm with Searune on this. Don't throw the rituals around.

Remember what goes around, comes around!
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Re: Very Important Questi
Post # 17
must be some weapon!!!!! if you trust no one with details then how are you going to get help? you ask for help from others here and expected ceremony and ritual to be given by those who do not know you. you expect trust but are not willing to give it? what's up with that??????
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Re: Very Important Question
Post # 18

Rainbow64 we have the covens for teachings and learnings.

If a non-member had to ask me for a ritual to summon a demonic spirit unfortunatly they won't recieve that help from myself.

If people here want to give out harmful or even deadly rituals then thats their choice.

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Re: Very Important Questi
Post # 19
Ah yes.....the Covens. And as most have never truly met each other here how does one know who they are sharing with or receiving from. Merely to ask for blind trust in giving and receiving information is somewhat a strange request. Someone has asked for help with a demon so as to make a weapon with the help of a demon but only wants the trust for a ritual/ceremony to summon the demon but offers no trust in offering details. This I do not understand. I find the best teaching are those passed through the generations by those whom you know or have known. Now....if one truly wants help summoning a demon so the demon can help finish the weapon and does not want to share details perhaps it is because of the actual purpose and use of the said weapon and the trust issue is merely a distraction from the facts. And remember.....demons do nothing for free!!!!!
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Re: Very Important Question
Post # 20
sounds like religion to me
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Re: Very Important Question
Post # 21

True Rainbow, Nothing is for free.
I could never lay at night and rest knowing I have given a ritual to someone for fun. Hurt will come from the summoning and I wouldnt be able to live with myself if anything had to go wrong.
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