The Shadow Lords

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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 111
Read this at 2 o clock in the morning and it scared the absolute shit out of me... When I went to bed i did so with the light on and a rosary wrapped around my hand...Lol I was really scared.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 112
ok, moving on, first of all
to those who think that this information should not be shared,
we are all going to fight this war, there fore we are all going to end up needing to know
second of all, i have heard all this talk about shadow lords only attacking high mages and magikprince (sorry if i spelled it wrong)
and that they wouldn't attack newbies, how is this for an idea, maybe the shadow lords are being controlled by some humans, or atleast some of the army is being controlled by humans such as nahara, and since they are human, they have had prophetic dreams about powerful mages that at this point in time are weak, but grow stronger by then, there fore these people are trying to prevent that
which is something that i would do if i were a commander
next, how to kill a shadow lord
hmm lets think
ok first, lets take it back to when our ancestors locked them away, or something like that happened,
why didnt they just kill all the shadow lords, who knows, but here is a theory
i call it the recycling theory
maybe, when you kill a spiritual creature, such as a demon or a shadow lord, instead of their spirit turning into nothingness, maybe, just maybe, there spirit ends up returning to where they came from, reforms into the shadow lord again, and comes right back to fight
now lets think about that, if that is the case, it gives a real good explanation why they where sealed away instead of killed, and also, from a lot of what i have heard in the past, most demonic enteties where BANISHED, or SEALED away instead of KILLED. now lets ponder on that thought as well.
i mean, why would people banish a demon, and not kill it?
next, if shadow lords are as strong as you all claim they are, then how do we combat such a fearsome enemy?
i mean, it sounds impossible
whats sad is, you are all beginning to start talking about ancient spells and ancient magickal tools, i mean, that is a good start
but where did those mages get the weapons and spells, where did they find this stuff, i'll tell you
they made these spells and magickal weapons, cause this stuff doesnt just appear out of no where, and instead of only relying on these, cause eventually, if you continuosly use the same tactics, the enemy learns how to overcome them, how about making powerful spells and and magickal weapons for this time and age
next, some people thought of summoning a demon to their world, one, why would a demon fight for a human, how would that help them in anyway?
because last time i checked, demons ask for something in return.
how bout you try using the help of demons for your magickal tools and spells.
and also, instead of foolishly getting strong enough to slaughter shadow lords by the dozens, how bout we focus on stoping them from coming into our world, by closing what ever way thay came here first, then "kill" them, because if the recycling theory is true, then fighting head on and killing as many as possible is basically a waste of time and energy, saying that, im all open to any ideas, and will try to get my point out
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 113
>>What do you guys study cause I can't see how just the spells on this site would be of any use...?

My advice would be to ignore this topic.

>>The spells on this site are mostly low magick and low magick would get us absoloutley NOWHERE! We need to find spells from ancient books of Shadows that are arcane and do not require almost a lifetime of magickal experience if we have any hope of surviving in the Lost World.

And if any kind of magick like that existed, it would have spread throughout the whole occult community before now. In this reality, that kind of magick doesn't exist. It isn't like it's knowledge that can only be found from a written text. The information exists out in reality. There isn't a guard hiding it.

This whole thing sounds like a badly written RPG.

>>Are you guys insane? How can we beat them on our own?
I saw use scrying to find the most powerful demons we can find, summon them and trap them in a black mirror with a middle tower ritual and then send them to the world the shadow lords are in.
Let Vau-Ael and all them fight for us. If that fails then i guess i'll have to do it myself won't i...

Here's some 411 about spirits. Most don't actually fight, like you hear about in mythology. 99% of the time, they don't fight at all, unless they are thoughtforms/servitors that are designed to fight. There are glares and stern language said, but not knock down, drag out fights.

Have none of you even heard of banishing rituals or realize just how effective they are? Burning certain incenses can help, too, as can setting up crystal grids.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 114
ya, i guess this helps
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 115
I have already mentioned that!! Demons are beginning to become more powerful, regardless of whether the war will happen or not. There are alot of arcane books around, but Pagans these days are mostly using low magick because they feel that they need it to get through life. The best thing to do is still thoroughgly search for arcane books and spells.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 116
did u even try reading what i wrote, especially the part about using ancient powerful spells and magickal tools
maybe you should read it and give that a thought, then i will answer you
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 117
>>I have already mentioned that!!

Really? I must have missed it in your ranting about 'only ancient spellbooks hold magick that doesn't actually exist'. I know you mentioned it, but it needed to be said again because you weren't paying attention.

Known banishing rituals work. To think that there's some *unknown magick hidden somewhere and only that will defeat them* is asinine.

>>Demons are beginning to become more powerful, regardless of whether the war will happen or not.

Beginning? You think only 'now' demons are getting more powerful? You need to know more about history.

>>There are alot of arcane books around, but Pagans these days are mostly using low magick because they feel that they need it to get through life.

The definition of low magick you're using (or at least implying) is an odd one. Plus, there's never been a concrete and occult community wide standard for what is high or low magick.

>>The best thing to do is still thoroughgly search for arcane books and spells.

There is nothing in the classics that hasn't been said over and over again for the last 5,000 years.

Do you even know the idea of 'as above, so below; so below, as above'? The basics of magick is all that's needed, regardless of what level of reality you're working on. Each situation only requires its own combination of the basics.

>>did u even try reading what i wrote, especially the part about using ancient powerful spells and magickal tools

I read the whole thread. Let me tell you, this thread was one of the hardest for me to get through because it is so far off. The 'what element can you control because of your birthday' one was harder though.

>>maybe you should read it and give that a thought, then i will answer you

If I continued giving the thread more thought before I posted and took a break, my head would explode. Demons supposedly only *now* becoming more powerful, a definition of low magick that isn't powerful, the presumption that only low magick is used to get through every day life. It goes on and on.

Guess where I first found reference to 'Shadow Lords'? World of Warcraft. Do you want to know how words I had to add to the search to be subtracted from websites to remove rpg pages? 11 and I still have 860,000 hits left. I don't care if he played WoW or not and maybe there really are spirits called 'shadow lords', but there are fundamentals that are not being brought up and there are some people on this site that are getting freaked out because this is being blown out of proportion.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 118
you could be true, and i wasnt saying that to you, i was responding to magickprince
and also, about the spells, like i said, we should make our own then actually depending on other peoples magick
it makes the spell more personal, and more adapted to your level and power,
now as for the demons part, i was mostly refering to the recycling effect which i mentioned up there
so take a look at that if you dont know what it is,
as for where the whole term of shadow lord came from, i have no idea, thats not what i am arguing
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 119
The 'ya, i guess this helps' seemed to be sarcastic.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 120
o, sorry, but it wasnt sarcastic, i was just off beat, but ur information was helpful, sorry about that
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