Magic has no color!!!!

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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
Post # 13
That is a very good way of putting it, from a perspective that i would had never thought of.
from that perspective i can see were your coming from.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!
Post # 14
The term black/white magic isn't supposed to be taken literally you know. In my opinian, black magic is harmful, white magic is helpful, green magic deals with money, red magic deals with love, and purple magic with power. I'm pretty exierienced and I see nothing wrong with my view.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
Post # 15
Perrych you are entitled to your opinion, but black doesn't necessarily mean "evil" and white necessarily "good" each color has positive and negative aspects. The criteria for "evil" and "good" are based on opinion anyway. Just wanted to clarify.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!
Post # 16
I'm aware, it's just about wether in general, it's good, I mean, if someone randomly cast a killing spell on some random person for fun. It would be hard to call that white magic right?
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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
Post # 17
Yes, most would say that is immoral. But white is an inadequate label for "good" since it does not always mean good. You are very much entitled to call "good magic" white but "good magic" is your opinion and calling it white may confuse the lesser experienced.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!
Post # 18
Not really. When I first started, I was perfectly aware that white magic was "good" and vice versa.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
Post # 19
Well think what you wish, but i see white an inadequate label for "good magic."
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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 20
"White magic" can be used for evil purposes just as "black magic" can be used for good.

The debate of magic's color has been going on for years and it will continue to thrive so long as people want to dwell on what they believe is the right adjective for the type of magic one does. Can we not put an end to this useless debate and move on to more important topics? Wasting time trying to change a persons mind on what color goes with what type of magic is like fighting over what color the sky is.

Magic is energy manipulation. The adjectives that one describes magic with varies and is contingent on a person's ideas of what is good and bad. Magic is never black and white because there are too many variables.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
Post # 21
Of course that magic has no color. But,it's the way people divided it (black,white,gray,green,etc.) to be easier to talk about it and recogonize it.
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Re: Magic has no color!!!!
Post # 22
At first i was suggestion it was black and white magick. But that was because i was new spiritualism and the occult etc. I really didn't know much back then.

I don't really see it as black and white magick. I feel more of energy wise. And also depends how practionor sees or feels it. But other then that i dont call it black or white anymore. it jounds silly.
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