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Re: Curseing
Post # 13
crone has a very good point here
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Re: Curseing
Post # 14
I find that Karma has only so much effect on you, not that we are above retribution mind, but that specific practitioners tend to be effected by it more as they live by it as a tennent.

I work spells in a specific way to avoid Karma, and unless you outright commit an act of true evil, the spells i work will not effect karma.

in a sense, the satanist belief that we are gods unto ourselves is correct.

Choice is what stands in the way of much effort, and even the gods realise the Power of the human mind is a marvel to behold.

a supprisingly large ammount of time Karma is self imposed, even by subconcious guilt.

regardless, on the topic of curses I dont deal too much in them.

but I do have a particular elemental curse that I designed to actually better the person, consider it a trial by fire.

You either walk through the flames and embrace life afterwards in a new light, or get burned.

but thats just my take on it.
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Re: Curseing
Post # 15
You have a very unique way of looking at things, "Power of the human mind is a marvel to behold" we only truly use 25% (most of us) of our minds/brains.

I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe that you reap what you sow. Meaning that if you do evil (bad/mean) things to other people (purposely), evil (bad/mean) things will be done to you (or might just happen).
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Re: Curseing
Post # 16
its all point of view really.

and i'll take the interesting point of view as a compliment ^^

I tend to find my thoughts run contrary or off to the sides of others, gives me an interesting perspective.

on the whole I think there is more to be said to confront an enemy directly than a curse, but if you use one then it better mean something.

Thats why I made one the way I did, otherwise its just an aimless punishment. the person just suffers, no growth just pain.

They cant/wolnt change if just made to suffer some like that, so ultimatly its only a secert guilty pleasure in the fact You did it.. they might as well learn a lesson or be given the chance to change if your going to punish a person.
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Re: Curseing
Post # 17
"Thats why I made one the way I did, otherwise its just an aimless punishment. the person just suffers, no growth just pain.

They cant/wont change if just made to suffer some like that, so ultimately its only a secret guilty pleasure in the fact You did it.. they might as well learn a lesson or be given the chance to change if your going to punish a person. "

That's just like chastisement(in the bible,sorry to all the non-believers), a punishment that shows you what you did wrong, and can help you make it right, but punishes you at the same time, because if they don't know what they did wrong how can they change it. That's honestly amazing, people never think of that when they're looking for revenge on another person.

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Re: Curseing
Post # 18
thank you :) I thought it was a good idea at the time heh.

normal curses are just unproductive, sure people "get whats coming" but that doesnt really solve anything.. unless you drove them mad or something, then for You its solved.

i guess it boils down to if you want to do something you might as well do it right.
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Re: Curseing
Post # 19
My apologies for disgreeing with you fine people.

People have the wrong idea about Karma. Karma is Not about punishment, it is About learning from your mistakes. Karma is devine justice. For every action there is a reaction. Good actions beget good, bad actions beget bad. Everything we do returns to us in the end and we either learn the lesson or we repeat it, perhaps in this lifetime, perhaps in another, but it WILL return. To satisfy Karma, you must learn the lesson not merely experience it. And you will re-experience the event as many times as it takes to learn the lesson. You may delay karma, but you will never avoid it.
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Re: Curseing
Post # 20
im going to try put this as delicately as possible... the main rule in every form of belief... from pagan to christian to sumarian... every religion throughout the ages works on one basic principle... harm ye none... if you hurt others it will come back to you... sometimes even just the fact that we know we have hurt someone will close us up in our own circle of bad luck and negative energies... we are in that sence the masters of our own universe... on the other hand the great beings of power... the :gods: we believe in... also judge us and send "karma" our way... like has been mentioned... in this life or not... it does come... my understanding and experience with karma is a little different... once you have reached a certain level of understanding and belief and awakening... you have the ability to BURN karma through meditation and release... it is possible for a person who trully believes in themselves and their purpose to live without karma... they simply serve their purpose in the every day happenings and karma no longer touches them because they serve the universe and the planet to the fullest... but it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of burning to get to that point...
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Re: Curseing
Post # 21
actually balance. i have to disagree.

i am pagan, and i hold no belief in karma and i dont believe in the "three fold law" cause im not wiccan.

karma is from what religion??? hinduism!

it never had anything to do with magick, it was a way to control people when you combined it with the caste system.

i like flagg's explanation of subconcsious guilt.

but other than that, not all pagans do nor should believe in karma.

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Re: Curseing
Post # 22
Each to his/her owm. lol I'm willing to tolerate your opinions, if you'll tolerate mine. I believe (my opinion) that there can be no absolutes as far as religion is concerned. I admit freely that I could be wrong, all I have to go on is my own personal experience, which is all anyone has. So if your experience is different from mine, so be it. I welcome the oportunity to learn of others views. Before I came tp this website. I saw only one view of wicca, paganism and witchcraft. None other was tolersted. Here there are almost as many dif versions as there are people...and I LOVE it!!!
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