Ask for spells here

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Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 121
This spell has been used many times and the wished things have happened
usually in a short time.

-Needed Supplies-
*1 sheet of quality paper/parchment
*a pen/pencil used in magickal works
*candles (usually white, can change depending on your wish)

Do a relaxation ritual before this and clear your mind well. Concentrate on
the spell not the joy afterwards.

Take the paper/parchment and draw a pentagram in the middle of it. Then draw
a ying-yang symbol in the middle of it. Now write down your wish on the top
of the sheet. Write your wish such as ''make me get rich, make my
mother/friend etc. get healed, make me get 'the thing you want''...
Then fold the sheet 2-3 times and seal it with your candle. Then burn it with
the fire of candle you sealed it. While it turns into ashes, repeat your wish
inside yourself or out loud. When it's all ash,sprinkle the ashes from a
window or such.
'Be careful what you wish for, it can come in any way'
How about that

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 122
Getting Over Someone...

you will need:
1 red candle for strength
2 white candle for healing
a piece of paper with the persons name written on it
Now you begin by placing the s white candles left and right from the red
then u light the red candle, left white, then right white candle
while you are chanting these words;

I burn thy name so it shall be
cast out of my memory
(name of person) your name is as cold as ice
to get over you would be nice

this spell works best midnight during a full moon.

Wishing Spell...

Hold a "Lucky Charm" (not the cereal) and light a candle and chant three times

"This simple wish is mine to cast,
a magic spell to make it last,
I close my eyes a little shiver,
this wish for me now please deliver.

While thinking of your wish when you have finished drop the charm and blow the candle out.

Healing Spell...
You Need:
Powdered cinnamon
Green ribbon
A glass jar or other container with a lid
Various small objects- preferably green, silver or white
(such as paper, dried leaves, beads, pieces of smooth
glass and colored wood)
Green or silver glitter.

1. Cast a circle as normal, calling the quarters and
erecting a barrier of energy.
2. Consecrate all the items which you are going to use,
then lay them out on your altar (or if you are outside, a
3. Sprinkle the cinnamon over all the objects and say:
‘Herb for healing,
Herb for hope
Herb for strength
herb help me cope’

‘I call on thee, spirits of water, earth, fire and air, to aid me in this

4. Bind the Green ribbon around the jar three times

‘Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal.’

5. Put all the small objects and the glitter into the jar ,
screw on the lid and shake it nine times

‘Power of healing, I command you, heal (name of
person) from all sickness!’

6. Thank the elements, and the guardians of the
watchtowers, and take down the circle.

7. When you have finished, then keep the jar in a safe
place, and every time you need the power of healing,
then take it out and shake it nine times, saying the
following over and over:

‘(name of person) be well, (name) be free of sickness’


Light a pink candle for love and a blue candle for healing on a
friday evening. Say the following incantation:

"Please (name of person), do think again.
May the consequence heal my pain.
Grant my request to me and you'll see,
The good in your heart set me free.
Bless you."

Snuff the candles out after casting your spell.

Stop the Rain Spell...

This is a spell to stop rain from coming to a town right before it falls. When it starts getting dark, chant this with lots of feeling:

"Gods of power, Gods of might,
I bid you now, stop this plight,
Stop the rain, we need no more,
Let it fall, nevermore."

Put allot of feeling in stopping rain from falling from the clouds and it will not fall, it will simply move to a area away from where you
are and then fall. I use this all the time when i am mowing the lawn and its about to rain, then i cast this and finish the lawn.

How about all of them

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 123

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 124
May I get a spell to read peoples mind around me? thanks...

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 125
Can you find me a mermaid spells that will absolutly will work.

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 126
do you have a spell to change my gender for a day i cant be for more than one day

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 127
WTF....Id like a spell to get rid of this thread,lol

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 128
Under the Spells catagory I found a "keep your lover faithful" spell, but I'm looking for a spell to make my lover "unfaithful". For personal reasons. Any suggestions on spells?

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 129
Fattening spell plz!

Re: Ask for spells here
Post # 130
is there a spell on anything to turn someone into a blueberry from willy wonka and the chocolate factory?

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