Game: This or That

CovenNatural Magick ► Game: This or That
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Re: Game: This or That
Post # 131

Anime all the way!!

wood or metal ?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 132

I normally prefer wood! Makes it more " natural " hehe.

Fire or Earth?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 133
Fire. :)

No internet or no Cabel/Satellite TV?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 134

I'd rather keep my internet and lose the cable/satellite tv :)

pool or jacuzzi/hot tub ?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 135

Jacuzzi I love boiling, a lot of times the pool is too cold, and the jet feels good on my lower back.

Hotmail or Yahoo?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 136

Yahoo as it seems more reliable.

Punk music or Rap music?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 137

Punk! Rap isn't bad if it's early 2000's or before. After that it steadily gets worse and worse in my opinion.

Glass or plastic?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 138

Glass as it is prettier and more handy to use for various witchy things.

Feathers or Seashells ?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 139

I love them both but I think feathers definetly catch my eye more.

Egypt or Greece?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 140

Greece! I'd want to visit a lot of the Hellenic sites such as Areopagus/Areios Pagos (rock/hill of Ares). It is the place Ares was tried in court for slaughtering Poseidon's son , Halirrhothios/Halirrhothius for attempting to violate his daughter Alkippe/Alcippe.

MP3 or Ipod?

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