What decks do you use?

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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 3
Here's a site with a pretty good selection

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Re: What decks do you use?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I have a deck that was gifted me. "The DaVinci Enigma". I've heard it criticized but it serves it's purpose. And they're quite interesting to look at as well.
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 5
I have the Guilded Tarot, Medicine Wheel Oracle, Osho Zen Deck, A few RW's and the Quest Tarot. I love em all. I use the Celtic Cross quite a bit too.
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 6
My favorite deck is the African American tarot deck. Thats what I use
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 7
I use the Celtic, dragon and elf tarot. Sometimes you can be attracted to even a pile of cards! :)
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 8
I have only rider tarot, the most known of all the decks.
I'll be making my own when I have time.
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 9
I can't read Tarot to save my ass. But I DO love oracles. I regularly use the Faeries Oracle with art by Brian Froud, but I have the Good Witch Bad Witch oracle, and the Trees Oracle (I can't remember the creator, but they have lovely artwork).
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 10
oooo i love the fairy oracle these i use for my own questions xx

If i am reading for someone else then i use the crowley with a 12 card astrological spread first then get them to pick another pack to go more indepth. I like the thoth pack myself as they have lots of symbolism in them.
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 11
vampire gothic deck
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Re: What decks do you use?
Post # 12
I love using tarot cards. I tend to use more then one deck at a time. I use angel tarot,The Gothic Tarot Compendium, osha zen. I have at least 30 decks that I go between but only use up to 5 at the most at one time. more detailed I try to get the more cards I will use. hoping to get at least 12 more decks. 3 are old ones so hard to come by but I want zenk hoodoo deck. if anyone knows where I can find it please send me mail and let me know, much appreciated.
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