Asking a favor

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Re: Asking a favor
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
Of course Felecia be more then happy to. :-)
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 4
sure ill get on it. quickie rituals for a friend are always a pleasure.
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 5
all done! yay!
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 6
my prayers are with you. Ill try to look for spells thatll help.
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 7
if you keep yourself open you'll feel me ;) it'll feel better soon, suffering in any way leads to ultimate release from all pain and suffering, if that makes sense ;)
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 8
I'll send you energy :)
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 9
thanks so much everyone!
Pain subsiding.

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Re: Asking a favor
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Awesome!! :-) :-)
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 11
ofcourse. reiki is on itsway! hope u get better soon.
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Re: Asking a favor
Post # 12
All of my energy I have left for the day.
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