I can help you, but like most magick the driving force is oneself and their trust and belief in their healing gift. I always ask the Goddess for permission to heal and she has always given it. When you first start you are given just enough power to heal small issues, as you complete the basics,Goddess will give you what you can handle. I inherited many of my gifts from my mother, who was a great healer and psychic.Have you started your crystal collection yet? The crystals amplify your healing power and can keep your energy in balance. Ask Goddess for the healing gift and also ask to tap into her never ending energy, this will make a big change in your day to day life. I get appx 5 hours of sleep and can go the whole day without tiring. Well as I said I will assist you to the best of my ability.
Blessings and providence:
happy new year, How is your healing practice going? Did you try the suggestions I made? Keep practicing and be fore you know it you will arrive. Have you trever tried to focus your energy into your hands? this will warm up your hands and put the energy where you can use it for healing. When I do the exercise in preparation to heal I feel my hands become warmer than my body temp of 97.0*, most of the world runs at 98.6*. I've used this technique for many,many years now.I will offer more insights later.
Blessings and providence:
I am going to start a list of herbs that aid in various things.
African violet= in amulet for protection, spirituality at home, burned as traditional herbal incense of the spring equinox sabbat.
allspice= burned to attract money, luck, promote healing
aloe= protection against evil influences, prevents household accidents.
angelica= traditional ritual herbs od candlemas,and beltane sabbats, both culinary and medicinal, sprinkle around the house toward off evil.added to a bath to remove curses or spells castagainst you.
anise=protection,burn seeds as meditation aid,filling small bag or small pillow case with anise seeds and sleeping on it will prevent nightmares.
basil= brings wealth to those who carry it in their pockets, given as a gift brings good luck to a new home, traditional herb ritual herb of thecandlemas sabbat.
bay= wishes written on bay leaf and burned will come true, bay leaf held in mouth wards off bad luck. bay is one of the ritual traditional herbs of the candlemas and winter solstice sabbats.
buckwheat= used to make your circle of protection while performing magick
catnip= attracts good spirits and great luck. used in spells to enhance beauty and happiness, large catnip leaves used as book marks in magicakal texts.
cinnamon= used in healing and spells to attract money, it stimulates clairvoyant abilities, raises both protective and spiritual vibrations, oil of cinnamon used in anointing candles for love goddess invocations, love magick,and spells of passion, used in sachets and infusions.
These are but a few common kitchen herbs that help in healing besides the listed uses. I will continue the list at a later time. to learn about herbal healing you should get to know
them. There are many more herbs and I will continue the list.
I was given this list by a fellow wiccan, source unknown but it is kitchen witchcraft as the ingredients are used in food prep.
blessings and providence:
continuing from before,
Clove= burned as incense attracts riches,drives away negative energies,purifies area, burned to stop gossiping about you, worn or carried to attract the opposite sex.
corn= place an ear of corn to protect babies from negative forces.A necklace made of dried corn kernels prevents nosebleeds.
cumin= used in love spells, when carried gives peace of mind.
dill=herb of protection,when hung over the door will keep home safe from enemies, has ability to attract money and good fortune.
garlic= protection,healing, exorcism,lust,anti-theft.
Grape=eating grapesor raisins increases fertility,strengthens mental powers,place grapes on alter during money spells.
hazel= string the nuts and hang in the house for luck, eaten prior to divination to give wisdom, increase fertility, twigs placed in window frames guard home against lightning,hazel wood makes an all purpose wand.
lemon= used to cleanse and purify magickal tools, it has other healing purposes, longevity,love and friendship (lemon bark).
lettuce= rub lettuce juice onto the forehead or eat the leaves to have no trouble falling asleep.
mint=leaves used for healing,attracting money,increasing sexual desire,protection, mint oil used to annoint candles, ritual tools, and healing poppets.
That is enough for now, as you can see all herbs have many wonderful benefits as you practice their use the doors to healing
open wider.
Blessings and providence:
The herbal list i am passing on to you is just the tip of the iceburg they are very important in your healing study. I will continue the list in a little while.